radiation biology Crossword Puzzles

Radiation Biology 2018-04-16

Radiation Biology crossword puzzle
  1. a comparison of the doses required to reduce survival to a certain level in hypoxic and oxygenated conditions; hypoxic cells are radio-resistant (Acronym)
  2. division of the total dose of radiation into smaller doses usually given more than once a day
  3. the use of dose fractions substantially larger than the conventional level of 2 Gy
  4. one of the 4Rs: a mechanism built into both normal and abnormal cells. Rest periods in standard fractionation schemes allow for normal cells to heal from sublethal radiation injury
  5. According to the Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau, cells that are rapidly dividing, have a long mitotic future, and are _________ are the most responsive to radiation
  6. the rate of energy loss along the track of an ionizing particle, usually expressed in Kev/µm (acronym)
  7. Changes that are seen within days or within weeks
  8. chemicals that scavenge free radicals or facilitate direct chemical repair at sites of DNA damage in normal tissues
  9. one of the 4 Rs: refers to the ability of both normal and tumor cells populations to revascularize as cells die in an attempt to continue thriving
  10. in fractionated radiotherapy, the quantity by which different fractionation regimens are compared (acronym)
  11. cellular damage that is irreversible, irreparable and leads to cell death.
  12. the dissociation of water molecules following irradiation
  13. cells capable of self-renewal and of differentiation to produce all the various types of specialized cells in a lineage
  14. The most resistant mitotic phase to radiation (please hyphenate. i.e. X-phase)
  15. The division of germ cells
  1. permanent arrest of cell division associated with aging, differentiation or cell damage
  2. A theory based on the idea that death of a cell is caused by the inactivation of specific targets within the cell or that the shoulder on the cell survival curves is a result of the number of unrepaired lesions per cell (two words)
  3. a gene that contributes to cancer formation when mutated or inappropriately expressed
  4. reduction in the overall treatment time; a schedule in which the average rate of dose delivery exceeds the equivalent of 10 Gy per wk in 2 Gy fractions (two words)
  5. the maximum radiation dose or intensity of radiotherapy dependent on fractionation, field size, concomitant treatments
  6. The most sensitive mitotic phase to radiation (please hyphenate. i.e. X-phase)
  7. one of the 4 Rs: refers to the trigger of surviving cells in a tumor to divide faster in an attempt to live
  8. a fragment of an atom or molecule that contains an unpaired electron, which, therefore, make it very radioactive (two words)
  9. one of the 4 Rs: is the ability for the cell population to return to a more even distribution of younger, dividing cells following decreased surviving fraction.
  10. a process in which a portion of the cytoplasm is engulfed by parts of the cytoplasm and intracellular organelles are sequestered within characteristic double- or multi-membraned autophagic vacuoles (named autophagosomes) and are finally delivered to lysosomes for bulk degradation.
  11. cellular damage that is repaired during the interval between treatment and assay, especially under suboptimal growth conditions (acronym)
  12. a gene generally active in the embryo and fetus and during proliferation process. A maturation can result in the permanent activation of this gene which then become an oncogene
  13. are more differentiated than stem cells. They have lost the ability to self-renew. They are committed to further differentiate. (two words)
  14. Changes that are seen after months or years
  15. a mode of rapid cell death after irradiation in which the cell nucleus displays characteristic densely staining globules and at least some of the DNA is subsequently broken down into internucleosomal units. “programmed cell death”
  16. A factor used to compare the biological effectiveness of different types of ionizing radiation. It is the inverse ration of the amount of abosrbed radiation required to prodcue a given effect to a standard (or reference) radiation required to produce the same effect (acronym)
  17. a special reproductive cell with a haploid number of chromosomes
  18. the phenomenon whereby a physical or chemical agent has one effect at high doses and the reverse effect at low doses
  19. the division of somatic cells
  20. Traumatic cell death that results from acute cellular injury.
  21. nonlethal cellular injury that can be repaired or accumulated with further dose to become lethal (acronym)

36 Clues: The division of germ cellsthe division of somatic cellsChanges that are seen after months or yearsChanges that are seen within days or within weeksthe dissociation of water molecules following irradiationTraumatic cell death that results from acute cellular injury.a special reproductive cell with a haploid number of chromosomes...

Radiation Biology 2021-08-24

Radiation Biology crossword puzzle
  1. even one damaged cell can result in this radiation effect
  2. these effects are a result of lethal damage to cells
  3. x-rays common interact with this material indirectly
  4. this radiation is unavoidable and is all around us
  5. this radiation has significantly increased over the years
  6. this model is used to predict cancer risk due to x-radiation
  7. increasing radiation dose results in increased ____ of deterministic effects
  8. this person is the radiation protection officer for a dental office
  9. primary tissue of concern for radiation damage
  1. this dose accounts for the differences in the damaging capabilities of different radiations
  2. ensuring that radiation results in more benefits than harm
  3. best way to reduce patient exposure to radiation
  4. increasing radiation dose results in increased _____ of stochastic effects
  5. as low as reasonably achievable
  6. this dose accounts for differences in the radiation sensitivity of different tissues

15 Clues: as low as reasonably achievableprimary tissue of concern for radiation damagebest way to reduce patient exposure to radiationthis radiation is unavoidable and is all around usthese effects are a result of lethal damage to cellsx-rays common interact with this material indirectlyeven one damaged cell can result in this radiation effect...

SCIENCE 2020-01-08

SCIENCE crossword puzzle
  1. spaceship
  2. invent
  3. astronomy
  4. theory
  5. galaxy
  6. atomic
  7. gene
  1. astronaut
  2. telescope
  3. high-tech
  4. submarine
  5. rocket
  6. scientific

13 Clues: geneinventrockettheorygalaxyatomicspaceshipastronauttelescopehigh-techsubmarineastronomyscientific

Radiation biology 2020-04-29

Radiation biology crossword puzzle
  1. probability of effect
  2. compications in salivary gland due to RT
  3. osteomyelitis in post radiotherapy patient
  4. apple core appearance
  5. stochastic effect
  1. dose limiting effect
  2. other name for x ray tube
  3. philiosophy of radiation protection
  4. deterministic effect
  5. protection for operator

10 Clues: stochastic effectdose limiting effectdeterministic effectprobability of effectapple core appearanceprotection for operatorother name for x ray tubephiliosophy of radiation protectioncompications in salivary gland due to RTosteomyelitis in post radiotherapy patient

Molecular and Cellular Radiation Biology 2023-04-05

Molecular and Cellular Radiation Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Radiosensitive cells of the skin.
  2. Damage that results in the formation of structurally changed molecules that can severely impair cell function.
  3. The branch of biology concerned with ionizing radiation on living systems.
  4. Radioactively decays from Uranium.
  5. When a hydroxyl radical bonds with another hydroxyl radical.
  6. The unit associated with radioactive decay.
  7. A particle that composed of two neutrons and two protons.
  8. The alpha particle is 1,000 times the LET of an?
  9. Mutations that arise from damage to the reproductive cells due to radiation.
  10. Alpha particles are considered this type of LET radiation.
  1. The removal of an electron from it's orbit.
  2. Causes internal contamination through being implanted, ingested, injected, or inhaled.
  3. Radioinsensitive cells in the body.
  4. The law of Bergonie and?
  5. Generally results from exposure of cells to doses of ionizing radiation in the range of 1 to 10 Gy.
  6. The dissociation of molecules by ionizing radiation.
  7. Describes biologic reactions from radiation with differing LETs.
  8. Gamma rays are considered this type of LET radiation.
  9. Programmed cell death.
  10. Enzymes that can usually reverse cellular damage.

20 Clues: Programmed cell death.The law of Bergonie and?Radiosensitive cells of the skin.Radioactively decays from Uranium.Radioinsensitive cells in the body.The removal of an electron from it's orbit.The unit associated with radioactive decay.The alpha particle is 1,000 times the LET of an?Enzymes that can usually reverse cellular damage....

Branches of Biology 2021-08-20

Branches of Biology crossword puzzle
  1. physiology is a sub-discipline of botany concerned with the functioning, or physiology, of plants.
  2. is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with immunity.
  3. is the scientific study of algae.
  4. is the scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms.
  5. branch of biology that deals with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
  6. is the study of microscopic organisms, those being unicellular, multicellular, or acellular.
  7. biology is the study of cell structure and function, and it revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life.
  8. biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine bodies of water.
  9. is the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena
  10. is a branch of biology that involves the study of the action of ionizing radiation on living things.
  11. is the scientific study of fungi.
  1. the exploitation of biological processes such as genetic manipulation of micro-organisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
  2. is the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
  3. is the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
  4. is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
  5. is the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, and ecology.
  6. is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms.
  7. is the branch of biology or medicine concerned with the study of parasitic organisms.
  8. biology is the branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of the proteins and nucleic acids.
  9. branch of biology concerned with the chemical and physiochemical processes that occur within living organisms.

20 Clues: is the scientific study of algae.is the scientific study of fungi.is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with immunity.is the scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms.is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms....

Branches of Biology 2021-08-20

Branches of Biology crossword puzzle
  1. is the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
  2. is the branch of biology or medicine concerned with the study of parasitic organisms.
  3. is the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena
  4. is the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
  5. biology is the study of cell structure and function, and it revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life.
  6. is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
  7. is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms.
  8. is a branch of biology that involves the study of the action of ionizing radiation on living things.
  9. is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with immunity.
  10. is the study of microscopic organisms, those being unicellular, multicellular, or acellular.
  1. the exploitation of biological processes such as genetic manipulation of micro-organisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
  2. branch of biology that deals with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
  3. biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine bodies of water.
  4. is the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, and ecology.
  5. branch of biology concerned with the chemical and physiochemical processes that occur within living organisms.
  6. physiology is a sub-discipline of botany concerned with the functioning, or physiology, of plants.
  7. is the scientific study of algae.
  8. is the scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms.
  9. is the scientific study of fungi.
  10. biology is the branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of the proteins and nucleic acids.

20 Clues: is the scientific study of algae.is the scientific study of fungi.is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with immunity.is the scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms.is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms....

Branches of Biology 2021-08-20

Branches of Biology crossword puzzle
  1. physiology is a sub-discipline of botany concerned with the functioning, or physiology, of plants.
  2. is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with immunity.
  3. is the scientific study of algae.
  4. is the scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms.
  5. branch of biology that deals with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
  6. is the study of microscopic organisms, those being unicellular, multicellular, or acellular.
  7. biology is the study of cell structure and function, and it revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life.
  8. biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine bodies of water.
  9. is the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena
  10. is a branch of biology that involves the study of the action of ionizing radiation on living things.
  11. is the scientific study of fungi.
  1. the exploitation of biological processes such as genetic manipulation of micro-organisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
  2. is the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
  3. is the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
  4. is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
  5. is the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, and ecology.
  6. is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms.
  7. is the branch of biology or medicine concerned with the study of parasitic organisms.
  8. biology is the branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of the proteins and nucleic acids.
  9. branch of biology concerned with the chemical and physiochemical processes that occur within living organisms.

20 Clues: is the scientific study of algae.is the scientific study of fungi.is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with immunity.is the scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms.is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms....

Branches of Biology 2024-08-31

Branches of Biology crossword puzzle
  1. is the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
  2. is the branch of biology or medicine concerned with the study of parasitic organisms.
  3. is the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena
  4. is the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
  5. biology is the study of cell structure and function, and it revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life.
  6. is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
  7. is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms.
  8. is a branch of biology that involves the study of the action of ionizing radiation on living things.
  9. is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with immunity.
  10. is the study of microscopic organisms, those being unicellular, multicellular, or acellular.
  1. the exploitation of biological processes such as genetic manipulation of micro-organisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
  2. branch of biology that deals with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
  3. biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine bodies of water.
  4. is the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, and ecology.
  5. branch of biology concerned with the chemical and physiochemical processes that occur within living organisms.
  6. physiology is a sub-discipline of botany concerned with the functioning, or physiology, of plants.
  7. is the scientific study of algae.
  8. is the scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms.
  9. is the scientific study of fungi.
  10. biology is the branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of the proteins and nucleic acids.

20 Clues: is the scientific study of algae.is the scientific study of fungi.is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with immunity.is the scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms.is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms....

Radiation 2021-12-09

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. The slant of Earth's axis, causing the North Pole to always point toward the North Star. The reason for the seasons.
  2. An imaginary axle that a planet spins on.
  3. Energy that is radiated or transmitted through space in the form of rays or waves or particles.
  4. Caused by the tilt of Earth on its axis as it revolves around the Sun causing varied amounts of sunlight on Earth; divides our year into quarters.
  5. The state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time.
  6. The long-term prevailing pattern of weather.
  7. Direct light in the Northern Hemisphere, warmest season.
  8. Energy Energy that travels through air and space.
  9. The study of a region's climate over 30 or more years.
  10. Poles The Sun's rays hit Earth at a lower intensity, ~30° angle here.
  11. Observable evidence of energy.
  1. A scientist who studies climate.
  2. Angle The angle at which the radiant energy from the Sun strikes the surface of Earth.
  3. Mixture of gases surrounding Earth.
  4. Shape of the Earth that causes the solar angle at high latitudes to be less than at the equator.
  5. Indirect light in the Northern Hemisphere, coldest season.
  6. One factor that can affect a region's climate; how far north or south a location is from the equator.
  7. 0° Latitude. The Sun's rays hit Earth at a high intensity, ~90° angle here.
  8. Energy Radiant energy from the Sun.
  9. A thin beam or line of radiant energy, such as light.
  10. To soak up or take in.
  11. Star The tilt of Earth at the North Pole always points toward the North Star.
  12. Energy Radiant energy that heats.

23 Clues: To soak up or take in.Observable evidence of energy.A scientist who studies climate.Energy Radiant energy that heats.Mixture of gases surrounding Earth.Energy Radiant energy from the Sun.An imaginary axle that a planet spins on.The long-term prevailing pattern of weather.Energy Energy that travels through air and space....

radiation 2016-03-14

radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Atoms with different numbers of protons and electrons (3: I...)
  2. The power of radiation to knock electrons off atoms (8: I...)
  3. A particle with charge = +1 and mass = 1 (6: P...)
  4. A few m of this stops gamma radiation (4: L...)
  5. Discovered the electron and plum pudding model of the atom (7: T...)
  6. The unit of radioactive activity (8: B...)
  7. The meaning of "G" in the GM tube (6: G...)
  8. The experiment which proved the nuclear model (Alpha ________) (10: S...)
  9. A particle with charge = 0 and mass = 1 (7: N...)
  10. The charge of a proton (8: P...)
  11. Discovered the nuclear model of the atom (10: R...)
  12. uThe presence of unwanted materials containing radioactive atoms or other materials (13: C...)
  13. The time taken for the radioactivity to half (8: H...)
  14. Formed by beta decay of 14-C (8: N...)
  15. A few cm of this stops beta radiation (9: A...)
  16. A few mm of this stops alpha radiation (5: P...)
  17. The meaning of "M" in the GM tube (6: M...)
  18. Another name for an electron energy level (5: S...)
  1. The atom is ten _________ times bigger than the nucleus (8: T...)
  2. The charge of an electron (8: N...)
  3. The same thing as a beta particle (8: E...)
  4. Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons (7: I...)
  5. Where mass is concentrated in the atom (7: N...)
  6. Discovered electron energy levels (4: B...)
  7. The power of radiation to pass through a material (11: P...)
  8. The alpha particle is a nuclei of this element (6: H...)
  9. Formed by alpha decay of 14-C (9: B...)
  10. Electrons move to lower energy levels, which releases light (8: E...)
  11. The decay of radioactive nuclei is…. (6: R...)
  12. This disease can be caused by radiation (6: C...)
  13. Light moves electrons to higher energy levels (10: A...)
  14. The process of exposing an object to nuclear radiation. The object does not become radioactive (11: I...)
  15. The radiation used to treat cancers (5: G...)
  16. The radiation used to measure wallpaper thickness (4: B...)
  17. Formed by gamma decay of 60-Ni (6: N...)
  18. The charge of a neutron (7: N...)
  19. The radiation used in smoke alarms (5: A...)

37 Clues: The charge of a proton (8: P...)The charge of a neutron (7: N...)The charge of an electron (8: N...)Formed by beta decay of 14-C (8: N...)Formed by alpha decay of 14-C (9: B...)Formed by gamma decay of 60-Ni (6: N...)The unit of radioactive activity (8: B...)The same thing as a beta particle (8: E...)Discovered electron energy levels (4: B...)...

Radiation 2021-03-03

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Beta particles can travel through paper but can be stopped by a few cm of ____
  2. Fill in the missing word Naturally ______ Radioactive Material
  3. Symptom of radiation poisoning
  4. Government’s counter terrorism strategy
  5. A unit of radiation
  6. 3 purposes of the radiation detection equipment: Detect, Locate and _____
  7. Who discovered radioactivity? Henri _________
  8. Equipment worn when portals are staffed
  9. Natural element found in bananas
  10. Most dangerous radiation source when ingested
  1. Doubling this will halve your dose
  2. One of the elements Marie Curie discovered
  3. The biggest nuclear accident in history
  4. Most common form of background radiation emitted from the ground
  5. Radiation can ionise living tissue which can lead to this disease
  6. Radiation emitted from the sun
  7. Material that blocks gamma rays
  8. What is a Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) more commonly known as?
  9. How many nuclear weapons have been used in warfare?
  10. Name given to a source not under regulatory control

20 Clues: A unit of radiationSymptom of radiation poisoningRadiation emitted from the sunMaterial that blocks gamma raysNatural element found in bananasDoubling this will halve your doseThe biggest nuclear accident in historyGovernment’s counter terrorism strategyEquipment worn when portals are staffedOne of the elements Marie Curie discovered...

Radiation 2023-05-10

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. nuclear energy comes from the ______ of atoms
  2. radiation waves used to cook food
  3. the distance between one peak to another in a wave
  4. the longest type of electrogmagnetic radiation wave
  5. the building blocks for all matter
  6. the neturally charged particles in atoms (check your notes!)
  7. light, sound, ______, and x-rays are examples of radiation
  8. the type of radiation that cannot travel through empty space
  9. the radiation type that comes from space
  10. when radiation carries a lot of ______ it can be dangerous
  11. the negatively charged particles in atoms (check your notes!)
  1. the positively charged particles in atoms (check your notes!)
  2. a radiation wave type that we think of as heat
  3. sound travels slower than ______
  4. the wavelegth that can make pictures of something inside something else. Like bones in the body.
  5. shockwaves, called seismic waves, travel through the ______ causing the ground to shake
  6. an example of mechanical radiation
  7. sound is made by a _______ object
  8. energy that moves from one place to another
  9. the wavelength of light that we can see
  10. wavelegths that have more energy and can be more harmful for the body
  11. there are different types of radiation: electromagnetic, mechanical, ______, and cosmic
  12. the shortest type of electromagnetic radiation wave

23 Clues: sound travels slower than ______radiation waves used to cook foodsound is made by a _______ objectan example of mechanical radiationthe building blocks for all matterthe wavelength of light that we can seethe radiation type that comes from spaceenergy that moves from one place to anothernuclear energy comes from the ______ of atoms...

Radiation 2024-06-17

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. nuclear energy comes from the ______ of atoms
  2. radiation waves used to cook food
  3. the distance between one peak to another in a wave
  4. the longest type of electrogmagnetic radiation wave
  5. the building blocks for all matter
  6. the neturally charged particles in atoms (check your notes!)
  7. light, sound, ______, and x-rays are examples of radiation
  8. the type of radiation that cannot travel through empty space
  9. the radiation type that comes from space
  10. when radiation carries a lot of ______ it can be dangerous
  11. the negatively charged particles in atoms (check your notes!)
  1. the positively charged particles in atoms (check your notes!)
  2. a radiation wave type that we think of as heat
  3. sound travels slower than ______
  4. the wavelegth that can make pictures of something inside something else. Like bones in the body.
  5. shockwaves, called seismic waves, travel through the ______ causing the ground to shake
  6. an example of mechanical radiation
  7. sound is made by a _______ object
  8. energy that moves from one place to another
  9. the wavelength of light that we can see
  10. wavelegths that have more energy and can be more harmful for the body
  11. there are different types of radiation: electromagnetic, mechanical, ______, and cosmic
  12. the shortest type of electromagnetic radiation wave

23 Clues: sound travels slower than ______radiation waves used to cook foodsound is made by a _______ objectan example of mechanical radiationthe building blocks for all matterthe wavelength of light that we can seethe radiation type that comes from spaceenergy that moves from one place to anothernuclear energy comes from the ______ of atoms...

Radiation 2019-06-26

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Gamma radiation is used to _________ medical equipment before surgery to prevent infections.
  2. Gamma rays can penetrate almost everything except thick layers of _____.
  3. This type of nuclear reaction occurs in all nuclear weapons.
  4. All radiation can cause this disease, and help to kill it.
  5. Radiation is used as a heating source and generator of electricity for people in ______.
  6. The names of the three types of radiation come from the first three letters of the ______ alphabet.
  7. When cells are exposed to radiation, their DNA can change and create a _________.
  8. This type of nuclear reaction fuses atoms together.
  9. Fusion occurs in _______.
  10. Gamma rays are the _____ penetrating radiation.
  11. This scan uses beta particles to map inside humans.
  12. This is a measure of how much a radioactive material will exist over a period of time.
  13. The type of radiation represented by β.
  14. Another name for a beta particle.
  1. This type of nuclear reaction occurs in all nuclear power stations.
  2. Fission occurs in these types of power stations and weapons.
  3. Radiation exposure is measured in this unit, with the symbol Sv.
  4. The americium in a ______________ releases alpha particles that are moved if smoke from a fire is present.
  5. The type of radiation represented by α.
  6. The _________ nuclear disaster in 1986 released radioactive dust over Europe.
  7. The type of radiation represented by γ.
  8. The nuclei of an atom is _______ when it does not want to break apart into smaller parts.
  9. Alpha particles are the ______ penetrating radiation.
  10. The nuclei of an atom is _______ when it want to break apart to become a smaller atom.
  11. This type of nuclear reaction breaks atoms apart.
  12. The name given to gamma rays when they are used to look inside objects or human beings.
  13. Nuclear energy is ______ in Australia.
  14. Another name for an alpha particle.

28 Clues: Fusion occurs in _______.Another name for a beta particle.Another name for an alpha particle.Nuclear energy is ______ in Australia.The type of radiation represented by α.The type of radiation represented by γ.The type of radiation represented by β.Gamma rays are the _____ penetrating radiation.This type of nuclear reaction breaks atoms apart....

Radiation 2014-03-28

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Give an example of radioactive materials used in power stations
  2. What type of radiation particle consists of an electron? 4 9
  3. What common material is great at stopping gamma rays?
  4. What is gamma? 15 4
  5. What detects radioactive materials? 6 6 4
  6. What substances can stop alpha particles?
  7. Name one purpose of gamma radiation in everyday life
  8. Are nuclear plant workers more reactive than you or me?
  9. What is an example of a gamma ray source starting with T?
  10. What are Geiger-Müller tubes readings measured in?
  11. What country has the largest nuclear deterrent
  12. Which type of radiation will penetrate paper and aluminium foil but can be protected against with lead?
  13. Which famous Physicist, at the start of the twentieth century, suggested the exostence of the nucleus?
  14. Are children more sensitive to radiation.
  15. Give an example of radioactive materials used in power stations
  16. What is the biggest nuclear disaster ever
  1. which 3 methods lead to radiation taken into the body? 10 9 10
  2. What type of radiation is used in smoke alarms?
  3. Does gamma radiation have a large wavelength or a small wavelength?
  4. How ionising are alpha particles?
  5. Give a use for beta particles 7 7
  6. How are gamma rays used
  7. What is the charge of a beta particle?
  8. How strong is the ionising effect of a gamma ray

24 Clues: What is gamma? 15 4How are gamma rays usedHow ionising are alpha particles?Give a use for beta particles 7 7What is the charge of a beta particle?What detects radioactive materials? 6 6 4What substances can stop alpha particles?Are children more sensitive to radiation.What is the biggest nuclear disaster ever...

Radiation 2023-03-16

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. a period of about 20 or 30 years - the average time from birth until a person has children
  2. to discvoer, usually something that was hidden or hard to notice
  3. the total amounts of electrical energy in things
  4. to clean very well and make free of germs
  5. photographs made using invisible rays hat can travel though some solid substances
  6. what other people think and feel about someone or something
  7. the pieces of our DNA that carry instructinos for making different body parts
  8. very tiny pieces of matter that are smaller than atoms
  9. energy that is sent out in rays or waves by certain substances
  10. the growth or formation of something
  1. surrounding area
  2. good, positive, or helpful things
  3. to become different from other things of the same type
  4. living things
  5. involving energy from the nucleus, or center, of atoms
  6. treatment of diseases, illnesses, or problems
  7. traits or special features that make a person or thing different
  8. extremely important or necessary
  9. left uncovered, open to danger, or unprotected against the effects of something
  10. brings about
  11. left-over or extra
  12. a possibility or an ability to do something
  13. causing death
  14. adjusting, varying, or changing
  15. amounts someone is exposed to, or amounts that someone takes at one time

25 Clues: brings aboutliving thingscausing deathsurrounding arealeft-over or extraadjusting, varying, or changingextremely important or necessarygood, positive, or helpful thingsthe growth or formation of somethingto clean very well and make free of germsa possibility or an ability to do somethingtreatment of diseases, illnesses, or problems...

Fundamental Principles of Radiobiology 2014-07-16

Fundamental Principles of Radiobiology crossword puzzle
  1. An S-shaped type of dose-response relationship
  2. As LET increases this also increases
  3. States that ionizing radiation is more effective against cell which are highly mitotic, immature, and have a long dividing future
  4. The splitting of radiation into smaller amounts over a period of time
  5. Died due to the cumulative effects of radiation
  1. Measures the rate of energy lost along the track of an ionizing particle
  2. Dose-response relationship in which any dose may produce an effect and there is a direct relationship between radiation dose and observed effect
  3. Any dose received, regardless of size, which will produce a response
  4. Enhanced cell response due to aerobic conditions
  5. Graph of the relationship between radiation dose and observed effect
  6. The most radiosensive stage for humans
  7. Division of biology concerned with effects of ionization on living things
  8. Deterministic
  9. The point where a stimulus (radiation) starts to produce an effect

14 Clues: DeterministicAs LET increases this also increasesThe most radiosensive stage for humansAn S-shaped type of dose-response relationshipDied due to the cumulative effects of radiationEnhanced cell response due to aerobic conditionsThe point where a stimulus (radiation) starts to produce an effect...

radiation 2021-10-13

radiation crossword puzzle
  1. image thats digital
  2. screens in cassettes used with extraoral films
  3. used to diagnose TMJ disease also allows dentist to look at soft tissue with little risk
  4. errors resulting from improper horizontal angulation
  5. error due to the film placement in the processing tank when the solutions levels are low
  6. degrees of gray found in an image
  7. device used to eliminate peripheral radiation
  8. variations in the gray scale that determines how the presence of disease.
  9. degrees of darkness on an x-ray
  1. an x-ray of the crowns of the teeth used to detect caries and calculus
  2. when film appears light and has a thin image
  3. badge that monitors individual radiation exposure
  4. primary ray emitting from the x-ray tube head
  5. crystals that hold the form of black on the x-ray film. emulsion suspended in a gelatin.
  6. images on x-ray that are out of focus
  7. partial image created when the central beam misses the x-ray film
  8. film was exposed twice
  9. the positive electronic cell
  10. device on machine to change and adjust the settings for the x-ray

19 Clues: image thats digitalfilm was exposed twicethe positive electronic celldegrees of darkness on an x-raydegrees of gray found in an imageimages on x-ray that are out of focuswhen film appears light and has a thin imageprimary ray emitting from the x-ray tube headdevice used to eliminate peripheral radiationscreens in cassettes used with extraoral films...

Radiation 2023-11-05

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. a large thickness of this metal will absorb gamma
  2. gamma radiation is part of the electromagnetic...
  3. radiation that is made up of fast electrons
  4. a few mm of this metal will absorb beta
  5. a helium nucleus has 2 protons and 2 .........
  6. alpha radiation is the ....... ionising
  7. the number of decays each second
  8. radiation that is also called a helium nucleus
  1. gamma radiation is the .........ionising
  2. radiation that travels at the speed of light
  3. the unit of activity
  4. each alpha particle has 2 positive ........
  5. all radiation can kill or damage these
  6. a few sheets of this material will absorb alpha
  7. a prefix that means thousands
  8. this type of radiation is around us always
  9. a prefix that means millions
  10. when an atom loses or gains electrons

18 Clues: the unit of activitya prefix that means millionsa prefix that means thousandsthe number of decays each secondwhen an atom loses or gains electronsall radiation can kill or damage thesea few mm of this metal will absorb betaalpha radiation is the ....... ionisinggamma radiation is the .........ionisingthis type of radiation is around us always...

Biology 2023-04-25

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. The study of microscopic organisms
  2. the exploitation of biological processes such as genetic manipulation of micro-organisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
  3. Branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms
  4. branch of biology is concerned with the study of parasitic organisms?
  5. biology branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of the proteins and nucleic acids.
  1. branch of biology that study of the action of ionizing radiation on living things.
  2. scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms?
  3. The science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena
  4. branch of biology that deals with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts
  5. Study of genes
  6. the branch concerned with immunity

11 Clues: Study of genesThe study of microscopic organismsthe branch concerned with immunityscientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms?branch of biology is concerned with the study of parasitic organisms?Branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms...

Engineering Scavenger Hunt 2021-10-18

Engineering  Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. Studies living things
  2. Makes beauty products(kalo)
  3. Equations for structures(math)
  4. Helps make mechanical things
  5. Persevred bugs(insects)
  6. Deals with noses(nasol)
  7. Makes cures for diseases(lemo)
  8. Makes electronics
  9. Protect the atmosphere
  10. Helps felines(cats)
  11. Helps the mind(psy)
  1. uses snake(serpent) venoms
  2. Makes paper(xyl)
  3. Makes and designs cities/ urban areas
  4. Makes medicine w/ chemicals
  5. Makes things w/ radiation
  6. helps animals
  7. Deals with thermal radiation
  8. Determines how good a product is
  9. Makes good websites
  10. makes lawns look nice
  11. Makes habitats for wild animals
  12. Different ways to make eggs(o)
  13. Creates new spices(w/ herbs)
  14. Makes zoos
  15. Helps the environment(earth)

26 Clues: Makes zooshelps animalsMakes paper(xyl)Makes electronicsMakes good websitesHelps felines(cats)Helps the mind(psy)Studies living thingsmakes lawns look niceProtect the atmospherePersevred bugs(insects)Deals with noses(nasol)Makes things w/ radiationuses snake(serpent) venomsMakes medicine w/ chemicalsMakes beauty products(kalo)...

Radiation 2018-01-28

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Mass ÷ Volume = ______
  2. If you cool an object what happens to the kinetic energy of its particles?
  3. ________ energy: The total potential and kinetic energy stored within the particles of a material.
  4. The average kinetic energy of the particles of a material is equivelant to:
  5. When an atom loses an electron to become charged.
  6. The unit of radioactive decay.
  7. The time taken for half the atoms in a sample to decay.
  8. Radioactive atoms attached to objects unintentionally.
  9. What type of radiation is used in smoke detectors?
  1. If you increase the temperature of a gas what happens to its pressure?
  2. Deliberately exposing an object to radiation.
  3. What is a use of gamma radiation?
  4. What particle is a beta particle?
  5. An alpha particle is the same as the nucleus of which element?
  6. Exposure to radiation increases the risk of what disease?
  7. A _______ counter is used to measure radioactive decay.
  8. Which type of radiation is the most penetrating?

17 Clues: Mass ÷ Volume = ______The unit of radioactive decay.What is a use of gamma radiation?What particle is a beta particle?Deliberately exposing an object to radiation.Which type of radiation is the most penetrating?When an atom loses an electron to become charged.What type of radiation is used in smoke detectors?...

Engineers 2022-02-16

Engineers crossword puzzle
  1. Drill for oil
  2. Petroleum drill
  3. Organizational systems
  4. Systems of industry
  5. Product for bio-waste treatment
  6. management Product for waste treatment
  7. Protective systems
  8. Wiring
  9. Building ventilation inspection
  10. Agriculture
  11. Thermal transfer systems
  12. Chemistry
  13. Protective systems
  14. Product for nuclear waste treatment
  1. Occupational systems
  2. Mechanical and thermal sensors
  3. Labor supervision system
  4. Surgical tools
  5. Children's protective systems
  6. Occupational systems
  7. Inspection system
  8. Aircraft or spacecraft
  9. Gmo's
  10. Energy/water transfer system
  11. Taxing systems
  12. Marine biology research

26 Clues: Gmo'sWiringChemistryAgricultureDrill for oilSurgical toolsTaxing systemsPetroleum drillInspection systemProtective systemsProtective systemsSystems of industryOccupational systemsOccupational systemsOrganizational systemsAircraft or spacecraftMarine biology researchLabor supervision systemThermal transfer systemsEnergy/water transfer system...

Jaden-Sam 2017-08-28

Jaden-Sam crossword puzzle
  1. makes old people clothes
  2. works on planes
  3. builds hospital equipment
  4. makes yachts
  5. design different structures and deal with society
  6. makes buildings
  7. works with seeds and farm equipment
  8. works with nuclear radiation
  1. makes refrigerators
  2. works with chemicals
  3. work with electricityd
  4. works with biology and medical
  5. works with gas
  6. works on java
  7. invents new types of matterials
  8. designing stuff
  9. makes zoo habitats

17 Clues: makes yachtsworks on javaworks with gasworks on planesmakes buildingsdesigning stuffmakes zoo habitatsmakes refrigeratorsworks with chemicalswork with electricitydmakes old people clothesbuilds hospital equipmentworks with nuclear radiationworks with biology and medicalinvents new types of matterialsworks with seeds and farm equipment...

Molecular and Cellular Radiation Biology 2018-06-05

Molecular and Cellular Radiation Biology crossword puzzle
  1. part of the chromosome or chromatid is lost at the next cell division
  2. the average energy deposited per unit length of track
  3. a hydroperoxyl radical
  4. ratio of radiation dose required to cause particular biologic response of cells in oxygen deprived environment to the radiation dose required to cause identical response under normal oxygen conditions
  5. classic method of displaying the sensitivity of a particular type of cell to radiation
  6. loss or change of a nitrogenous base in the DNA chain
  7. chemical unions created between atoms by the single sharing of one or more pairs of electrons
  8. solitary atoms or most often a combination of atoms that behave as single entities and are very chemically reactive as a result of the presence of unpaired valance electrons
  9. used to calculate EqD to determine the ability of a dose of any kind of ionizing radiation to cause biologic damage
  10. results when irradiation occurs early in interphase, before DNA synthesis takes place
  11. chromosome breakage where the break rejoins in their original configuration
  12. female and male reproductive cells
  13. describes the relative capabilities of radiation with differing LETs to produce particular biologic reaction
  14. a hydrogen radiation and a hydroxyl radical
  1. the radiosensitivity of cells is directly proportional to their reproductive activity and inversely proportional to their degree of differentiation
  2. results when irradiation of individual chromatids occurs later in interphase, after DNA synthesis
  3. injury on the molecular level resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation
  4. can result when ionizing radiation interacts with DNA and the energy transferred in the process ruptures one of its chemical bonds and severs one of the chain side rails or strands of the ladderlike molecular structure
  5. programmed cell death
  6. biologic damage that occurs as a result of ionization of atoms on essential molecules produced by straight interaction with the incident radiation
  7. the breaking of one or both of the chains of DNA molecule that can be caused by exposure of the molecule to ionizing radiation
  8. multistage process that first involves the production of reactive free radicals that are created by the interaction of radiation with water molecules
  9. exposing a cell to as little as 0.01 Gy of ionizing radiation just before it begins to divide can result in the failure of the cell to start dividing on time
  10. concept that the cell dies if the master or key molecule becomes inactivated as consequence of exposure to ionizing radiation
  11. branch of biology concerned with effects of ionizing radiation on living systems

25 Clues: programmed cell deatha hydroperoxyl radicalfemale and male reproductive cellsa hydrogen radiation and a hydroxyl radicalthe average energy deposited per unit length of trackloss or change of a nitrogenous base in the DNA chainpart of the chromosome or chromatid is lost at the next cell division...

Radiology Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-06

Radiology Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A physician trained in the diagnostic and/or therapeutic use of xrays and radionuclides, radiation physics, and biology
  2. tech The personnel working in any discipline or specialty area of radiologic technology
  3. tomography A method of examining blood vessels utilizing x-rays and injection of iodine-rich contrast material
  4. A unidirectional emission of electromagnetic radiation or particles
  5. The energy of an explosion that is equivalent to an explosion of 1,000 tons of TNT
  6. Having something that will absorb radiation between you and the source of the radiation
  7. Beams that pass through the body to produce images of anatomical structures
  8. An x-ray technique used to screen for breast cancer
  1. The uptake of energy from radiation by the tissue or medium through which it passes
  2. A measure of ionization in air caused by x-rays or gamma rays only
  3. Radiation absorbed by a person's body
  4. Radiant energy from waves of subatomic particles
  5. The process of obtaining an image for diagnostic examination using x-rays
  6. resonance A diagnostic radiologic modality, in which the nuclei of the hydrogen atoms in a patient are aligned in a strong, uniform magnetic field, absorb energy from tuned radio pulses, then emit radio signals
  7. The international unit of exposure dose for x-rays or gamma rays
  8. A naturally occurring metal; a contrast material
  9. A basic unit of absorbed radiation dose

17 Clues: Radiation absorbed by a person's bodyA basic unit of absorbed radiation doseRadiant energy from waves of subatomic particlesA naturally occurring metal; a contrast materialAn x-ray technique used to screen for breast cancerThe international unit of exposure dose for x-rays or gamma rays...

Biology 2013-09-18

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. a fluid filled organelle that stores enzymes or water. This has to do with biology because it stores
  2. having only one cell. This has to do with iology because we hav ebeen learning cells for the past couple months
  3. part of the small intestine This is related to biology because it is located in your body
  4. Has a trunk
  5. the production of offspring. This has to do with biology because animals play an important role in the study of living things
  6. an educated guess to the question of your experiment
  7. powerhouse of the cell, organelle that is the site of ATP (energy) production. They have to do with biology because it part of a cell.
  8. The study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics
  9. Likes to chase mice
  10. The action or process of adapting or being adapted
  1. preventing substances from passing or diffusing through. Pores are the smallest and it is very selective. This has to do with biolgy because it has to do with diffusion
  2. microscopic animals that swim or drift near the surface of aquatic environments. Zooplankton have to do with biology because it it part of the food chain.
  3. Surgical removal of a section or layer of the cornea, usually performed using a laser to correct myopia.
  4. the organelle that contains the DNA and controls the processes of the cell. The nucleus has to do with biology because it contains the DNA
  5. A member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms lacking organelles and an organized nucleus, including some that can cause disease
  6. a group of Antibiotics that inhibit DNA gyrase This is related to biology becasue DNA is always used in biology
  7. Any of a class of sugars whose molecules contain two monosaccharide residues
  8. Flying mammal
  9. Man's best friend
  10. All the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country
  11. Genetically related
  12. a class of individuals having some common characteristics or qualities; distinct sort or kind
  13. Large marsupial
  14. electromagnetic radiation of short cavelength produced when high-speed slectrons stricke a solid target
  15. The power to influence or direct people's behavior

25 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendGenetically relatedLikes to chase miceThe power to influence or direct people's behaviorThe action or process of adapting or being adaptedan educated guess to the question of your experimentAll the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country...

Quarter Vocabulary 2019-09-11

Quarter Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. unit of measure triple beam balance
  2. teacher number one job
  3. study of living things
  4. last step scientific method
  5. heating water
  6. educated guess
  7. ingredient for battle rocket
  1. feel strongly motivated
  2. microwave
  3. asthma respiratory problems
  4. hot handle
  5. proper way to smell a mixture

12 Clues: microwavehot handleheating watereducated guessteacher number one jobstudy of living thingsfeel strongly motivatedasthma respiratory problemslast step scientific methodingredient for battle rocketproper way to smell a mixtureunit of measure triple beam balance

Exploring Life 2020-09-02

Exploring Life crossword puzzle
  1. The study of algae.
  2. A scientist that studies viruses.
  3. Can't be tested by science as it is personal aesthetics.
  4. Belief that the star alignment directly affects you.
  5. Study of microscopic organisms.
  6. Can't be tested by science as it is based on belief.
  7. Claims that your personality is based on the shape of your head.
  1. One or more hypotheses that have been repeatedly tested.
  2. The study of fungi.
  3. Study of how physics interacts with living things.
  4. The study of living things.
  5. The study of plants.
  6. Biology that involves ionizing radiation on living things.
  7. An observation that can be tested.
  8. Science of how organisms are related.
  9. Study of parasitic organisms.
  10. Explains what happens, but not why.

17 Clues: The study of fungi.The study of algae.The study of plants.The study of living things.Study of parasitic organisms.Study of microscopic organisms.A scientist that studies viruses.An observation that can be tested.Explains what happens, but not why.Science of how organisms are related.Study of how physics interacts with living things....

Radiation 2015-09-08

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Give off heat
  2. It vibrates at a fixed position
  3. Taking in heat
  4. Type of energy
  5. shiny surfaces shiny surfaces
  6. Gas to liquid
  7. Random and it travels at a high speed
  8. black surface Absorbs heat
  1. Liquid to gas
  2. mat surfaces non shiny surfaces
  3. Liquid to solid
  4. metal Best reflector
  5. Solid to liquid
  6. Travels at the speed of light
  7. Random and travels in less speed

15 Clues: Give off heatLiquid to gasGas to liquidTaking in heatType of energyLiquid to solidSolid to liquidmetal Best reflectorblack surface Absorbs heatshiny surfaces shiny surfacesTravels at the speed of lightmat surfaces non shiny surfacesIt vibrates at a fixed positionRandom and travels in less speedRandom and it travels at a high speed

radiation 2016-11-05

radiation crossword puzzle
  1. What material blocks Gamma rays?
  2. If ever exposed to radiation what is the first thing you do?
  3. Is energy given off by matter in the form of rays or high-speed particles
  4. Who discovered Radioactivity?
  5. What country is the largest producer of nuclear power?
  6. How many nuclear weapons have been used in warfare?
  7. If the radioactive source is inside the body, it is the most dangerous of all 3 radiation sources?
  8. What colour has the American flag on the moon turned to due to radiation?
  1. What is the most radioactive substance on earth?
  2. What is one of the rays the sun emits?
  3. If the radioactive source is outside the body, what is the most harmful radiation source?
  4. Who survived the highest radiation dose in any human
  5. How many bananas have the same amount of radiation to a small amount of uranium?
  6. What is one thing that Marie Curie discovered?
  7. What is the symbol of Polonium?

15 Clues: Who discovered Radioactivity?What is the symbol of Polonium?What material blocks Gamma rays?What is one of the rays the sun emits?What is one thing that Marie Curie discovered?What is the most radioactive substance on earth?How many nuclear weapons have been used in warfare?Who survived the highest radiation dose in any human...

Radiation 2024-04-28

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. The time taken for half of the unstable nuclei of a radioactive isotope to decay.
  2. An atom which has lost (or gained) electrons.
  3. A beta particle is a high speed…?
  4. The ________ number is number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
  5. Type of radiation which is stopped by several cms of lead or thick concrete
  6. Where the protons and neutrons are found in an atom
  7. What do unstable nuclei emit (give out)?
  8. The ________ number is the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
  1. Same element so the same number of protons but different number of neutrons.
  2. An alpha particles consists of two protons and two…?
  3. What has a radius of about 1 × 10-10 metres?
  4. All of the atoms of an ________ have the same number of protons.
  5. Radioactive decay is a ________ process because you can’t tell which nucleus will decay next.
  6. Type of radiation which can travel up to 1 m in air
  7. Type of radiation which is the most ionising (damaging)

15 Clues: A beta particle is a high speed…?What do unstable nuclei emit (give out)?What has a radius of about 1 × 10-10 metres?An atom which has lost (or gained) electrons.Type of radiation which can travel up to 1 m in airWhere the protons and neutrons are found in an atomAn alpha particles consists of two protons and two…?...

Radiation 2024-03-20

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Type of radiation which is most ionising (damaging)
  2. Type of radiation which can travel up to 1 metre in air
  3. The ……… number is number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
  4. What do unstable nuclei emit (give out)?
  5. What have a radius of about 1 × 10-10 metres?
  6. Where are the protons and neutrons found in an atom?
  7. Radioactive decay is a ……. process because you can’t tell which nucleus will decay next.
  8. An alpha particles consists of two protons and two…?
  1. The time taken for half of the unstable nuclei of a radioactive isotope to decay.
  2. A beta particle is a high speed…?
  3. Type of radiation which stopped by several centimetres of lead or thick concrete
  4. The ……… number is the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
  5. An atom which has lost (or gained) electrons.
  6. Atoms with the same number of protons.
  7. Atoms with the same number of protons (same element) but different number of neutrons.

15 Clues: A beta particle is a high speed…?Atoms with the same number of protons.What do unstable nuclei emit (give out)?An atom which has lost (or gained) electrons.What have a radius of about 1 × 10-10 metres?Type of radiation which is most ionising (damaging)Where are the protons and neutrons found in an atom?...

Radiation 2024-05-31

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Treatment of cancer with chemicals
  2. 1986 nuclear disaster
  3. stops all 3 types of radiation
  4. Atoms of the same type but with a different number of neutrons
  5. An electromagnetic wave
  6. stops only 2 of the three types of radiation
  1. The uncontrolled growth of cell tissue in the body
  2. When atoms change from one type to another
  3. a 30km area around reactor number 4.
  4. A fast moving nuclear electron
  5. Treatment of cancer with a source of radiation
  6. A nuclear disaster in Japan
  7. The type of radiation stopped by paper
  8. the chances of an atom decaying at any moment is completley....
  9. The length of time it takes for half of the particles to decay

15 Clues: 1986 nuclear disasterAn electromagnetic waveA nuclear disaster in JapanA fast moving nuclear electronstops all 3 types of radiationTreatment of cancer with chemicalsa 30km area around reactor number 4.The type of radiation stopped by paperWhen atoms change from one type to anotherstops only 2 of the three types of radiation...

RAD 141 Chapter 7 Crossword 2020-05-28

RAD 141 Chapter 7 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. branch of biology concerned with the effects of ionizing radiation on living systems
  2. concept that the cell dies if the master, or key, molecule becomes inactivated as a consequence of exposure to ionizing radiation
  3. the ratio of radiation dose required to cause a particular biologic response of cells or organisms in an oxygen deprived environment to the radiation dose required to cause an identical response under normal oxygenated conditions
  4. solitary atoms or most often a combination of atoms that behave as single entities and are very chemically reactive as a result of the presence of unpaired valence electrons
  5. programmed cell death
  6. a multistage process that first involves the production of reactive free radicals that are created by the interaction of radiation with water molecules
  7. an organic neutral free radical
  8. loss or change of a nitrogenous base in the DNA chain
  9. hydrogen radical and a hydroxyl radical
  10. female and male reproductive cells
  11. results when irradiation occurs early in interphase, before DNA synthesis takes place
  12. can result when ionizing radiation interacts with a DNA macromolecule and the energy transferred in the process ruptures one of its chemical bonds and severs one of the sugar phosphate chain side rails, or strands, of the ladderlike molecular structure
  13. OH* + OH* = H2O2, a substance that is very poisonous to the cell
  1. the radiosensitivity of cells is directly proportional to their reproductive activity and inversely proportional to their degree of differentiation
  2. injury on the molecular level resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation
  3. used to calculate the equivalent dose to determine the ability of a dose of any kind of ionizing radiation to cause biologic damage
  4. classic method of displaying the sensitivity of a particular type of cell to radiation
  5. results when irradiation of individual chromatids occurs later in interphase, after DNA synthesis has taken place
  6. describes the relative capabilities of radiation with differing LETs to produce a particular biologic reaction
  7. chemical unions created between atoms by the single sharing of one or more pairs of electrons
  8. the average energy deposited per unit length of track
  9. a hydroperoxyl radical
  10. the breaking of one or both of the sugar phosphate chains of a DNA molecule that can be caused by exposure of the molecule to ionizing radiation
  11. exposing a cell to as little as 0.01 Gy of ionizing radiation just before it begins dividing can result in the failure of the cell to start dividing on time
  12. biologic damage that occurs as a result of ionization of atoms on essential molecules produced by straight interaction with the incident radiation

25 Clues: programmed cell deatha hydroperoxyl radicalan organic neutral free radicalfemale and male reproductive cellshydrogen radical and a hydroxyl radicalthe average energy deposited per unit length of trackloss or change of a nitrogenous base in the DNA chainOH* + OH* = H2O2, a substance that is very poisonous to the cell...

Earth Day 2024-04-24

Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. Able to be maintained
  2. Trash that is left lying in public places
  3. Part of biology that deals with the relationships of organisms and how they relate
  4. The layer of gas that surrounds the Earth
  5. An area trash is disposed of
  6. A population that has no living members left
  7. Relating to living matter
  8. Maintain something in its original state
  9. A gas that protects us from harmful UV radiation
  1. A biological community where organisms interact
  2. Reusing discarded material to make it into a product of higher value
  3. To contaminate something with a toxic substance
  4. Discharge of gas or radiation
  5. The surroundings in which an organism lives
  6. Can be used without running out
  7. Convert trash into useful material
  8. The natural home or environment of an organism
  9. Prevent something from being harmed
  10. Decayed material used for fertilizing plants
  11. Relating to the Sun

20 Clues: Relating to the SunAble to be maintainedRelating to living matterAn area trash is disposed ofDischarge of gas or radiationCan be used without running outConvert trash into useful materialPrevent something from being harmedMaintain something in its original stateTrash that is left lying in public placesThe layer of gas that surrounds the Earth...

Radiation 2012-07-12

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. It can go through almost everything, even quite thick lead.
  2. Radiation is said to be "_______ing radiation" when it can damage cells by knocking electrons out of them.
  3. A type of radiation used in hospitals and by dentists
  4. A gas that is radioactive and often leaks from the ground into houses
  5. A type of ionising radiation that is responsible for suntans
  6. type of radiation used by your cell phone (and cookers)
  7. another name for heat radiation
  8. a heavy metal used for shielding against radiation
  1. Instrument used for measuring radioactivity
  2. Type of radiation used in paper mills to control thickness
  3. A disease caused by, and treated with, radiation
  4. The most dangerous type of radiation if it gets inside the body
  5. A naturally occurring low level of radiation that is all around us.
  6. Name given to a radioactive substance used in medical tests to see what is wrong in a patients body.

14 Clues: another name for heat radiationInstrument used for measuring radioactivityA disease caused by, and treated with, radiationa heavy metal used for shielding against radiationA type of radiation used in hospitals and by dentiststype of radiation used by your cell phone (and cookers)Type of radiation used in paper mills to control thickness...

Social Studies and Science crossword puzzle 2021-01-23

Social Studies and Science crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the main source of water
  2. to tame of train as pet
  3. waves from sun
  4. moving energy
  5. came after the paleos
  6. how much heat and something has
  1. storing energy
  2. a transfer from liquid to gas
  3. the river valley cival that used Confucianism
  4. the red planet
  5. a transfer from touching
  6. came before the neos
  7. study of living organisms
  8. the story of the world

14 Clues: moving energystoring energythe red planetwaves from suncame before the neoscame after the paleosthe story of the worldto tame of train as petthe main source of watera transfer from touchingstudy of living organismsa transfer from liquid to gashow much heat and something hasthe river valley cival that used Confucianism

Radiation 2013-11-08

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Type of radiation which is an electron
  2. The unit for energy
  3. Treatment of these uses gamma radiation
  4. The thickness of this is maintained using beta radiation
  5. Measured in joules
  6. Type of radiation which rarely interacts with matter
  7. Another word for not frequently
  1. Detectors use radiation to detect this
  2. Alpha radiation is stopped by air or _____
  3. When something changes very willingly
  4. Type of radiation which is most like a helium atom
  5. What is a beta particle?
  6. We cannot see radiation because it is too _____
  7. When something is living, they have a ____

14 Clues: Measured in joulesThe unit for energyWhat is a beta particle?Another word for not frequentlyWhen something changes very willinglyDetectors use radiation to detect thisType of radiation which is an electronTreatment of these uses gamma radiationAlpha radiation is stopped by air or _____When something is living, they have a ____...

Radiation 2016-10-19

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Type of decay that is an EM wave.
  2. Number of neutrons in an alpha particle.
  3. Protons + neutrons.
  4. Number of electrons in zirconium.
  5. Number of neutrons in Mn (word).
  6. Number of electrons in carbon (word).
  1. Subatomic particle with a negative charge.
  2. Element made when iron decays by alpha particle.
  3. Element that has 5 more protons than antimony (Sb).
  4. Made when thallium alpha decays.
  5. Mass number of oxygen (word).
  6. Its mass number is 103.
  7. Element made when copper decays by beta particle.
  8. Number of neutrons in calcium (word).

14 Clues: Protons + neutrons.Its mass number is 103.Mass number of oxygen (word).Made when thallium alpha decays.Number of neutrons in Mn (word).Type of decay that is an EM wave.Number of electrons in zirconium.Number of neutrons in calcium (word).Number of electrons in carbon (word).Number of neutrons in an alpha particle....

Radiation 2015-09-08

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. taking in
  2. what you measure
  3. what you change
  4. moving around
  5. give off
  6. a good reflector
  1. energy that travels as a wave
  2. transports thermal energy from one place to another
  3. anything that changes
  4. a good absorber and emitter
  5. bounce back
  6. the measurement of heat
  7. what you keep the same
  8. is a type of energy

14 Clues: give offtaking inbounce backmoving aroundwhat you changewhat you measurea good reflectoris a type of energyanything that changeswhat you keep the samethe measurement of heata good absorber and emitterenergy that travels as a wavetransports thermal energy from one place to another

Sceince 2022-11-21

Sceince crossword puzzle
  1. a topic
  2. heat transfer without particles
  3. Light
  4. a measurement
  5. a topic
  1. a topic
  2. energy storage
  3. a subject
  4. a measurement
  5. a object

10 Clues: Lighta topica topica topica objecta subjecta measurementa measurementenergy storageheat transfer without particles

Radiation 2021-03-01

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Energy carried by particles from a radioactive substance, or spreading out from a source.
  2. Most ionising and the least penetrative type of radiation
  3. The types of radiation that is used to measure the thickness of paper
  4. Most penetrative and the least ionising type of radiation
  5. An uncharged atom or molecule into a charged particle by adding or removing electrons
  6. A substance is contaminated if another substance is mixed or dispersed within it.
  7. The experiment which discovered a positively charged nucleus
  8. Low level nuclear radiation that is always present from natural and man-made sources
  1. Atoms of an element with the same number of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons
  2. The scientific idea that an atom is a sphere of positive charge, with negatively charged electrons in it.
  3. When unstable atoms give off particles that can be harmful to humans.
  4. Highest source of nuclear radiation that is always present from natural and man-made sources
  5. Process of exposing an object to a source of radiation. Eg fruit exposed to gamma rays in order to destroy bacteria is said to have been irradiated.

13 Clues: Most ionising and the least penetrative type of radiationMost penetrative and the least ionising type of radiationThe experiment which discovered a positively charged nucleusWhen unstable atoms give off particles that can be harmful to humans.The types of radiation that is used to measure the thickness of paper...

Radiation 2024-05-21

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. an atom with the same number of protons and different number of neutrons
  2. particle in the nucleus with positive charge and 1 mass
  3. electromagnetic wave emitted by unstable nuclei
  4. normally nuclei are
  5. particle in the nucleus with 0 charge and 1 mass
  6. happens when unstable nucleus gives out radiation
  1. the nucleus of a radioactive atom is
  2. particle emitted by unstable nuclei, 2 protons and 2 neutrons
  3. particle emitted by unstable nuclei, 1 electron
  4. number of protons an element has
  5. part of an atom with negative charge and 0 mass
  6. part of an atom that contains protons and neutrons
  7. number of protons + neutrons of an element

13 Clues: normally nuclei arenumber of protons an element hasthe nucleus of a radioactive atom isnumber of protons + neutrons of an elementparticle emitted by unstable nuclei, 1 electronpart of an atom with negative charge and 0 masselectromagnetic wave emitted by unstable nucleiparticle in the nucleus with 0 charge and 1 mass...

Radiation 2015-09-08

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Good reflector
  2. Black and smooth
  3. Energy that travels as a wave and requires no physical medium
  4. Random, low speed
  5. Anything that changes
  6. shiny surface
  1. Vibrate, fixed position
  2. mat surface
  3. Movement
  4. Taking in
  5. Give off
  6. The heat bounces off shiny objects
  7. Random, high speed

13 Clues: MovementGive offTaking inmat surfaceshiny surfaceGood reflectorBlack and smoothRandom, low speedRandom, high speedAnything that changesVibrate, fixed positionThe heat bounces off shiny objectsEnergy that travels as a wave and requires no physical medium

Radiation 2022-09-16

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. these can be damaged or killed by radiation
  2. reaction needed in a nuclear fission reaction
  3. radiation absorbed by aluminium
  4. when an atom loses or gains electrons
  5. the unit of equivalent dose
  6. the unit of absorbed dose
  7. this type of radiation comes from food etc
  1. unit of Activity
  2. when a heavy nucleus splits into two smaller ones
  3. the time for this to drop by half is half life
  4. radiation absorbed by paper and air
  5. when two nuclei join to make a heavier nucleus
  6. radiation absorbed by thick lead

13 Clues: unit of Activitythe unit of absorbed dosethe unit of equivalent doseradiation absorbed by aluminiumradiation absorbed by thick leadradiation absorbed by paper and airwhen an atom loses or gains electronsthis type of radiation comes from food etcthese can be damaged or killed by radiationreaction needed in a nuclear fission reaction...

quiz 1 2018-12-17

quiz 1 crossword puzzle
  1. biology, gen
  2. history, migra
  3. "Quiet!"
  4. education, task
  5. education, ceive
  6. biology, consumption
  7. architecture, mol
  8. biology, adapt
  9. history, origin
  10. architecture para
  1. architecture, sur
  2. history, volut
  3. architecture, strcut
  4. biology, lect/lig
  5. history, year
  6. education, language
  7. biology, dict
  8. architecture found
  9. education, method
  10. education, liter
  11. history, heri

21 Clues: "Quiet!"biology, genhistory, yearbiology, dicthistory, herihistory, voluthistory, migrabiology, adapteducation, taskhistory, origineducation, ceiveeducation, literarchitecture, surbiology, lect/ligarchitecture, moleducation, methodarchitecture paraarchitecture foundeducation, languagearchitecture, strcutbiology, consumption

Earth Day 2023-04-21

Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. conditions in which something lives
  2. turns waste into usable material
  3. decayed organic material
  4. reuse objects to create a higher quality product
  5. able to be maintained
  6. branch of biology that deals with relation of organisms
  7. unstable toxic gas
  8. no longer in existence
  9. trash left in an open environment
  10. capable of being renewed
  1. relating from living matter
  2. maintain its original state
  3. gases surrounding the earth
  4. a place to dispose of waste material
  5. contaminate with harmful substances
  6. discharge of radiation & gases
  7. interacting organisms in their environment
  8. protect from harm
  9. relating to the sun
  10. natural home or environment

20 Clues: protect from harmunstable toxic gasrelating to the sunable to be maintainedno longer in existencedecayed organic materialcapable of being renewedrelating from living mattermaintain its original stategases surrounding the earthnatural home or environmentdischarge of radiation & gasesturns waste into usable materialtrash left in an open environment...

Radiation 2022-03-27

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. assoicated with large doses of radiation in a short amount of time, acute radiation syndrome include nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, hair loss, hemorrhage.
  2. An uncharged atoms or molecule that exists with a single, unpaired electron in its outermost shell. Highly reactive and unstable.
  3. Cell damage results when ionizing radiation directly hits critical areas within the cell
  4. The time that elapses between exposure to ionizing radiation and the appearance of observable clinical signs
  5. basic unit of a chemical element, capable of combining with each other to form molecules
  6. most sensitive of all human tissue is
  7. The reproductive cells
  1. All cells in the body except the reproductive cells changes are not passed on to future generation
  2. two or more atoms joined by chemical bonds
  3. X-ray photon are absorbed within the cell and cause the formation of toxin which in turn damage the cell.
  4. anything that occupies space, has mass, and composed of atoms
  5. small doses absorbed repeatedly over a long period of time, effect seen after years decades or generations, cancer birth abnormalities gentic defects

12 Clues: The reproductive cellsmost sensitive of all human tissue istwo or more atoms joined by chemical bondsanything that occupies space, has mass, and composed of atomsCell damage results when ionizing radiation directly hits critical areas within the cellbasic unit of a chemical element, capable of combining with each other to form molecules...

Radiation 2014-10-16

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. the infection that is in the new right now
  2. one use of alpha radiation in the home
  3. the biggest animal that lives on the earth
  4. the apple product that apparently bends
  5. radiation made of 2 protons and 2 neutrons
  6. the most famous scientist ever
  7. if an element has a different mass number it is a ....
  8. smelly food that is made out of cheese
  1. the radiation that can only be stopped by lead
  2. units of radioactive decay
  3. how long it takes for the count rate to decrease by half
  4. where the protons and neutrons are

12 Clues: units of radioactive decaythe most famous scientist everwhere the protons and neutrons areone use of alpha radiation in the homesmelly food that is made out of cheesethe apple product that apparently bendsthe infection that is in the new right nowthe biggest animal that lives on the earthradiation made of 2 protons and 2 neutrons...

Earth Day Crossword 2021-04-22

Earth Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Place to dispose waste
  2. Vanished or no longer living
  3. Maintain in original state
  4. Able to be maintained
  5. To protect from harm
  6. Relating to living matter
  7. Convert to reusable material
  8. Decayed material used as plant fertilizer
  9. Envelope of gases surrounding Earth
  10. To contaminate
  11. A branch of Biology
  1. Reuse discarded material or objects
  2. Natural home of an animal or plant
  3. Toxic gas
  4. Trash in a public place
  5. Biological community of interacting organisms
  6. Relating to the sun
  7. Surroundings in which we live
  8. Production and discharge of gas or radiation
  9. Resource not depleted by use like water

20 Clues: Toxic gasTo contaminateRelating to the sunA branch of BiologyTo protect from harmAble to be maintainedPlace to dispose wasteTrash in a public placeRelating to living matterMaintain in original stateVanished or no longer livingConvert to reusable materialSurroundings in which we liveNatural home of an animal or plant...

Radiation 2022-03-27

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. assoicated with large doses of radiation in a short amount of time, acute radiation syndrome include nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, hair loss, hemorrhage.
  2. An uncharged atoms or molecule that exists with a single, unpaired electron in its outermost shell. Highly reactive and unstable.
  3. Cell damage results when ionizing radiation directly hits critical areas within the cell
  4. The time that elapses between exposure to ionizing radiation and the appearance of observable clinical signs
  5. basic unit of a chemical element, capable of combining with each other to form molecules
  6. most sensitive of all human tissue is
  7. The reproductive cells
  1. All cells in the body except the reproductive cells changes are not passed on to future generation
  2. two or more atoms joined by chemical bonds
  3. X-ray photon are absorbed within the cell and cause the formation of toxin which in turn damage the cell.
  4. anything that occupies space, has mass, and composed of atoms
  5. small doses absorbed repeatedly over a long period of time, effect seen after years decades or generations, cancer birth abnormalities gentic defects

12 Clues: The reproductive cellsmost sensitive of all human tissue istwo or more atoms joined by chemical bondsanything that occupies space, has mass, and composed of atomsCell damage results when ionizing radiation directly hits critical areas within the cellbasic unit of a chemical element, capable of combining with each other to form molecules...

Radiation 2020-02-28

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. You can split light with this
  2. If ionised atoms are in your DNA, what does this cause?
  3. Energy of a wave depends on this
  4. This type of radiation is used to view bones
  5. Can cause skin cancer
  6. Radiation used by mobile phones (and for heating food)
  1. This is one of the types of radiation mostly blocked by the atmosphere (hint: it is not used to see bones)
  2. Radiation used to cook food
  3. Ionisation causes mutations that could lead to this disease
  4. Our eyes detect this
  5. The process of when electrons are knocked off atoms
  6. TVs use this type of radiation to get signal

12 Clues: Our eyes detect thisCan cause skin cancerRadiation used to cook foodYou can split light with thisEnergy of a wave depends on thisTVs use this type of radiation to get signalThis type of radiation is used to view bonesThe process of when electrons are knocked off atomsRadiation used by mobile phones (and for heating food)...

Radiation 2014-03-08

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. to give an atom or molecule a charge
  2. this bumps into nitrogen 14 to create a radioactive carbon isotope
  3. how we measure the rate of decay by radioactive isotopes
  4. the type of radiation with a negative charge
  5. the most ionising type of radiation
  6. this use of radiation exposes the dirty instrument to gamma rays for a period of time
  7. the biggest source of background radiation
  1. the type of radiation that travels at the speed of light
  2. emits alpha radiation directed at a radiation centre
  3. the emitting nucleus doesn't change in this type of decay
  4. the biggest artificial source of background radiation
  5. this is released with energy when bet decay occurs

12 Clues: the most ionising type of radiationto give an atom or molecule a chargethe biggest source of background radiationthe type of radiation with a negative chargethis is released with energy when bet decay occursemits alpha radiation directed at a radiation centrethe biggest artificial source of background radiation...

Radiation 2014-10-16

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. smelly food that is made out of cheese
  2. the infection that is in the new right now
  3. if an element has a different mass number it is a ....
  4. how long it takes for the count rate to decrease by half
  5. one use of alpha radiation in the home
  6. the radiation that can only be stopped by lead
  1. where the protons and neutrons are
  2. the biggest animal that lives on the earth
  3. the apple product that apparently bends
  4. units of radioactive decay
  5. the most famous scientist ever
  6. radiation made of 2 protons and 2 neutrons

12 Clues: units of radioactive decaythe most famous scientist everwhere the protons and neutrons aresmelly food that is made out of cheeseone use of alpha radiation in the homethe apple product that apparently bendsthe biggest animal that lives on the earththe infection that is in the new right nowradiation made of 2 protons and 2 neutrons...

Radiation Crossword 2016-11-06

Radiation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. If the radioactive source is outside the body, what is the most harmful radiation source?
  2. What unit is used to measure radioactivity?
  3. What is the most radioactive substance on earth?
  4. How many bananas have the same amount of radiation to a handful of raw uranium?
  5. Is energy given off by matter in the form of rays or high-speed particles
  6. If ever exposed to radiation what is the first thing you do?
  7. What country is the largest producer of nuclear power?
  8. What power source provides 14% of the world's electricity?
  9. - If the radioactive source is inside the body, it is the most dangerous of all 3 radiation sources?
  10. What material blocks Gamma rays?
  1. What is one thing that Marie Curie discovered?
  2. How many nuclear weapons have been used in warfare?
  3. What is the symbol of Polonium?
  4. What is one of the rays the sun emits?
  5. Who survived the highest radiation dose in any human
  6. Who discovered Radioactivity?
  7. There are two types of radiation natural and …?
  8. What does uranium decay into?
  9. What can radiation cause?
  10. What colour has the American flag on the moon turned to due to radiation?

20 Clues: What can radiation cause?Who discovered Radioactivity?What does uranium decay into?What is the symbol of Polonium?What material blocks Gamma rays?What is one of the rays the sun emits?What unit is used to measure radioactivity?What is one thing that Marie Curie discovered?There are two types of radiation natural and …?...

Crossword 28 2024-02-24

Crossword 28 crossword puzzle
  1. Branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in living organisms
  2. Complex process by which the body converts food into energy and builds and repairs tissues
  3. Transparent outer layer of the eye that covers the iris and pupil
  4. Muscular organ in the mouth responsible for taste perception and swallowing
  5. Medication used to dissolve blood clots and restore blood flow
  6. Radiation Therapy
  7. Condition resulting from an inadequate or imbalanced diet
  8. Specially equipped vehicle used for emergency medical transport
  1. Chronic lung disease characterized by damage to the air sacs in the lungs
  2. Primary organs of the respiratory system responsible for gas exchange
  3. Peripheral Nervous System
  4. Thread-like structures made of DNA and proteins found in the nucleus of cells
  5. Neurological Disorder
  6. Medical specialty concerned with the study of disease processes
  7. Medical condition characterized by excess body fat accumulation

15 Clues: Radiation TherapyNeurological DisorderPeripheral Nervous SystemCondition resulting from an inadequate or imbalanced dietMedication used to dissolve blood clots and restore blood flowMedical specialty concerned with the study of disease processesMedical condition characterized by excess body fat accumulation...

‘Ology’ Crossword 2023-04-25

‘Ology’ Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the study of the society
  2. the study of life
  3. the study of skin
  4. the science of measuring time
  5. the study of living things
  6. the study of X-rays and high energy radiation
  1. the study of religious beliefs
  2. the study of disease
  3. the study of the Earth’s physical structure
  4. the study of words

10 Clues: the study of lifethe study of skinthe study of wordsthe study of diseasethe study of the societythe study of living thingsthe science of measuring timethe study of religious beliefsthe study of the Earth’s physical structurethe study of X-rays and high energy radiation

‘Ology’ Crossword 2023-04-25

‘Ology’ Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the study of society
  2. the study of life
  3. the study of skin
  4. the science of measuring time
  5. the study of living things
  6. the study of X-rays and high energy radiation
  1. the study of religious beliefs
  2. the study of disease
  3. the study of the Earth’s physical structure
  4. the study of words

10 Clues: the study of lifethe study of skinthe study of wordsthe study of diseasethe study of societythe study of living thingsthe science of measuring timethe study of religious beliefsthe study of the Earth’s physical structurethe study of X-rays and high energy radiation

Radiation Safety 2018-04-16

Radiation Safety crossword puzzle
  1. a group that develops standards of protections for users of x-rays and other forms of ionizing radiation. They are interested in the use of all types of radiation and they publish recommendations for protection agains exposure (acronym)
  2. cosmic rays and environment factor count as this type of radiation
  3. a radioactive particle made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons that is very harmful if ingested or inhaled
  4. a device used for detecting ionizing radiation in air (two words)
  5. pregnant women require how many personal dose monitoring devices?
  6. The SI units for biological equivalent dose
  7. The SI units for absorbed dose (spelled out)
  8. What is the dose limit to a fetus for the term of the pregnancy according to the NRC in mSv
  9. an area in which barriers and other engineering controls should reduce exposure to less than 100 mrem/wk
  10. The SI units for activity, measure amount of radioactive material undergoing decay
  11. an instrument that can detect the presence of ionizing radiation but cannot quantify the dose in the area (hyphenated)
  12. a lead container or cart used to transport radioactive sources
  13. the gonad dose that if received by every member of the population, would produce the total genetic efect on the population as the sum of the individual doses actually recieved
  1. a national group of experts who make recommendations for protections agains exposure (acronym)
  2. barriers that receive radiation as a result of scatter or leakage are considered (two words)
  3. the national group, which collaborates with individual states to establish regulations that are incorporated into federal and state law
  4. What is the limit for occupational exposure according to the NRC in mSv
  5. barriers that receive radiation directly from the source are considered (two words)
  6. areas in which the maximum allowed exposure is 2mrem/wk
  7. unlike other tissue and occupational dose limits, fetal dose limits are broken up are base on what time frame?
  8. optically stimulated luminescent dosimeters, commonly use LiF (acronym)
  9. The total energy absorbed by the body is known as the _____ dose

22 Clues: The SI units for biological equivalent doseThe SI units for absorbed dose (spelled out)areas in which the maximum allowed exposure is 2mrem/wka lead container or cart used to transport radioactive sourcesThe total energy absorbed by the body is known as the _____ dosea device used for detecting ionizing radiation in air (two words)...

Exploring Radiation 2020-10-18

Exploring Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Absorbed dose is measured in _______.
  2. Type of radiation that is part of the EM spectrum.
  3. The total effect caused by exposure to radiation depends on the absorbed dose, type of ionising radiation and type of _______ exposed.
  4. Negatively-charged particles in an atom.
  5. Most common source of background radiation, a radioactive gas released from the ground.
  6. Common fuel for nuclear fission.
  7. Process by which a nucleus splits into two pieces releasing energy.
  8. Process by which the neutrons produced in fission go onto to cause further fission reactions, which create more neutrons, which cause more fission reactions and so on.
  9. Decrease the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor.
  10. Famous nuclear disaster that occurred in Ukraine in 1986.
  11. Time taken for the activity of a radioactive source to half.
  1. Nuclear fusion requires the hydrogen fuel to be heated to such a high temperature it becomes _______.
  2. Beta radiation can pass through paper but is absorbed by a few centimetres of _______
  3. Process by which two nuclei fuse releasing energy.
  4. The type of atom is determined by of these in the nucleus.
  5. The absorbed dose is energy absorbed per unit _______.
  6. Radiation causes photographic film to _______.
  7. Radiation that comes from natural and artificial sources and surrounds us at all times.
  8. The Equivalent dose is the absorbed dose multiplied by the radiation _______ factor.
  9. Gamma rays can be used as a _______ to accumulate in specific tissues or organs for diagnostic purposes.
  10. Activity is the number of radioactive nuclei that _______ per second.
  11. Alpha particles are composed of two protons and two neutrons - a _______ nuclei.
  12. You should always use these when handling radioactive sources.
  13. The process whereby an atom gains or loses electrons.
  14. Radiation can ionise living tissue which can lead to _______.
  15. Increases the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor.

26 Clues: Common fuel for nuclear fission.Absorbed dose is measured in _______.Negatively-charged particles in an atom.Radiation causes photographic film to _______.Type of radiation that is part of the EM spectrum.Process by which two nuclei fuse releasing energy.Decrease the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor....

Radiation Therapy 2023-11-01

Radiation Therapy crossword puzzle
  1. only used on 20B/C
  2. Left sided breast patient's love hearing this (2 words)
  3. Newest machine in the department.
  4. what patients ask for when cold (2)
  5. owe money to on your birthday
  6. brains behind the plan
  7. question you ask when you don't know your partner's middle name (4 words)
  8. where all the lasers meet
  9. 3D imaging
  10. magnets
  11. vaccum sealed mould
  12. spine treatments from the rear (4)
  13. best healthcare workers in the world (2)
  14. when a patient tells you their side effect story (7 words)
  15. 4 times as fast
  16. plan check software after day 0
  17. what is 4 letters and the future of the jcc
  18. aka 10e.
  19. 594, 593, 544, 540, 543, 510, 500 (2)
  1. what we are celebrating (2)
  2. turns around patient
  3. What should we be asking daily? (4 words)
  4. another dying entity at the jcc
  5. we have 8 of these machines.
  6. my door is always locked (2)
  7. I am faster now then my gantry counterpart
  8. poor breast drr creator
  9. who we call when machine breaks
  10. If your legs are cross we will ask you this question (4 words)
  11. patients put it on open to the back
  12. active insertion
  13. there are 3 of me but not 1 the same (2)
  14. most electrons are treated this way
  15. the total _____ of the heart
  16. shades of grey or colours (2)
  17. providing lunch on Tuesday
  18. i am blue, what am i
  19. What will be dead soon?
  20. i pretend to be skin

39 Clues: magnetsaka 10e.3D imaging4 times as fastactive insertiononly used on 20B/Cvaccum sealed mouldturns around patienti am blue, what am ii pretend to be skinbrains behind the planpoor breast drr creatorWhat will be dead soon?where all the lasers meetproviding lunch on Tuesdaywhat we are celebrating (2)we have 8 of these machines....

Radiation Therapy 2022-07-15

Radiation Therapy crossword puzzle
  1. derived unit of ionizing radiation dose
  2. sub-acute or long term side effect of radiation, fever, congestion, pleural pain, dry cough and pleural rub
  3. Sloughing of the epidermis and exposure of the dermal layer, Blister or vesicle formation, Serous drainage
  4. Partial loss of the epidermal basal cell, symptoms include Dryness itching, scaling, flaking and peeling of skin
  5. Radiation therapy is delivered to your cancer in small doses called...#
  6. A pt. gets this scan done to plan for RT
  7. inflammation of the bladder, can be seen in pelvic or prostate radiation, tums help a lot!
  8. common side effect with radiation and chemo, can interfere with ADLs, we tell pts to increase activity, does not always relieve with rest!
  9. sets pt up and administers radiation (Alex is one!)
  10. if an RT pts skin starts to open or blister, we advise them to do this.
  11. pelvic RT patients may need to do this to soothe irritated perineal/perianal skin, of if they have pain with wiping.
  12. we ask RT patients to apply a water based...daily to prevent skin concerns.
  1. redness/pinkness to skin
  2. a common side effect of radiotherapy, which can damage skin cells as it fights cancer cells.
  3. a oncological emergency! symptoms include numbness tingling to extremities , bowel/bladder changes, gait changes, pain that does not relive
  4. pinkness/redness of skin
  5. we give this to pts. having mouth pain or pain with swallowing, consists of almagel and lidocaine
  6. Doctor who is trained in treating cancer with radiation
  7. short acting analgesia we give to help pts with incidental pain during RT,
  8. If pts have loose stools due to radiation, we advise them to take this medication
  9. we advised pt. to do this treatment to help soothe radiation skin reactions.
  10. A provider may need to prescribe this cream if a patient is has moist desquamation, it provides instant pain relief and is an antibacterial
  11. we place this non-adherent dressing on RT wounds often, to prevent further damage to skin

23 Clues: redness/pinkness to skinpinkness/redness of skinderived unit of ionizing radiation doseA pt. gets this scan done to plan for RTsets pt up and administers radiation (Alex is one!)Doctor who is trained in treating cancer with radiationRadiation therapy is delivered to your cancer in small doses called...#...

Radiation Physics 2015-03-16

Radiation Physics crossword puzzle
  1. refers to the electrons liberated by ionization
  2. SI unit of rem
  3. the distance from one crest to another.
  4. The time required for the activity of radioactive material to decay to 1/2 of its original value
  5. Carries the missing energy of the reaction
  6. A decay that occurs in nuclei with too many neutrons over protons ratio.
  7. The work performed when an electron moves through an electric potential
  8. The quantity of matter described by its energy equivalent
  9. the emission of particles and energy by atoms to become stable
  10. The process of removing an orbital electron.
  11. ______ decay is the mirror image of beta decay
  12. the area of the anode struck by the electrons form the cathode
  13. Energy consists of an electric field and magnetic field.
  14. oscillations per second or cycle per second.
  15. structures that attenuate x-rays
  16. Particle emitted by radon
  17. Protons and neutrons
  18. atoms that have different Z, different A, and same N.
  19. The force exerted on a body under the influence of gravity
  1. Old unit of radioactivity
  2. The only difference between x-rays and gamma rays.
  3. Anything that occupies space and has mass
  4. involves matter in motion
  5. _________ energy is the energy contained in nucleus of an atom
  6. incident x-ray is totally absorbed
  7. One-half the range from crest to valley over which the sine wave varies.
  8. atoms that have different Z, same A, and different N
  9. SI unit of rad
  10. a charged particle
  11. The largest source of man-made ionizing radiation
  12. structures that absorb x-rays
  13. The force that keeps the electron in orbit.
  14. Atoms with same Z,different A,and different N.
  15. The largest source of natural environmental radiation
  16. Old unit of exposure
  17. ________ atom is the best way too picture the atom
  18. Identical elements except energy level.
  19. A free electron emitted during internal conversion
  20. The ejected electron during internal conversion is known as _______ electron.
  21. The x-ray _____ decreases with the square of the distance from the source.
  22. The only difference between proton and electron.
  23. Electon shell with 50 electrons

42 Clues: SI unit of remSI unit of rada charged particleOld unit of exposureProtons and neutronsOld unit of radioactivityinvolves matter in motionParticle emitted by radonstructures that absorb x-raysElecton shell with 50 electronsstructures that attenuate x-raysincident x-ray is totally absorbedthe distance from one crest to another....

Radiation Vocabulary 2022-04-29

Radiation Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. nuclear fission reaction in which an alpha particle is emitted
  2. the antiparticle of electron, identical to an electron in mass and magnitude, but with a positive charge
  3. total number of leptons, in this case electrons adn neutrinos, is conserved
  4. lepton with a charge of e
  5. total number of baryons, in this case neutrons and protons, is conserved
  6. class of nuclei characterized by total numbe rof nucleons and protons
  7. nuclear reaction in which a beta particle is emitted
  8. lepton with no charge
  9. nucleus of a helium atom
  10. nuclear reaction in which at least two nuclei form a nucleus with mass larger than either
  11. energy required to seperate a system into its consituents; in this case a nucleus into its constituent atoms
  12. lepton with charge of electron
  13. elapsed time for the decay of one-half a smaple of unstable nuclides
  1. subatomic particle composed of three quarks
  2. reactant and products of a nuclear decay
  3. subatomic particle not composed of quarks
  4. lepton with chrage of anti-electron
  5. baryon with a charge of +e
  6. with any change in mass there is an associated change in energy
  7. rate of nuclear decay
  8. decay nuclear reaction in which a photon with a wavelenth in the gamma range is emitted
  9. nuclear reaction in which at least one daughter nuclide has a mass smaller than the parent

22 Clues: lepton with no chargerate of nuclear decaynucleus of a helium atomlepton with a charge of ebaryon with a charge of +elepton with charge of electronlepton with chrage of anti-electronreactant and products of a nuclear decaysubatomic particle not composed of quarkssubatomic particle composed of three quarks...

Bio 2022-01-11

Bio crossword puzzle
  1. The study of life
  2. a belief that can guide behavior
  3. an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
  4. The process of cutting apart or separating tissue
  5. the act of making copies
  6. a part of the cell responsible for growth and reproduction
  7. an animal or plant that lives in or on a host
  8. the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.
  1. effect warming when solar radiation is trapped by the atmosphere
  2. detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.
  3. the branch of biology concerned with the structure and function of plant and animal cells.
  4. the process by which a cell divides into two smaller cells
  5. a tentative insight that is not yet verified or tested
  6. Smallest unit of an organism
  7. infectious agent that replicates itself within living hosts

15 Clues: The study of lifethe act of making copiesSmallest unit of an organisma belief that can guide behavioran animal or plant that lives in or on a hostThe process of cutting apart or separating tissuea tentative insight that is not yet verified or testedan individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form....

Science 2022-12-01

Science crossword puzzle
  1. the study of matter, energy, space and time
  2. the study of behaviour and matter
  1. an important part of biology
  2. transmission of energy in the forms of waves and particles
  3. a part of anatomy
  4. an area of environmental science

6 Clues: a part of anatomyan important part of biologyan area of environmental sciencethe study of behaviour and matterthe study of matter, energy, space and timetransmission of energy in the forms of waves and particles

Week Two Spelling Words 2015-05-13

Week Two Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. Animals
  2. To add water to help crops grow.
  3. When smoke flows outwards.
  4. I quiet place to read.
  5. After Saying something with great emotion.
  6. After gently persuading someone you may have ______ them.
  7. Notice every detail.
  8. After saying a joke you have ______.
  9. "You must stay," the man I_______.
  10. A branch of biology.
  11. Leave someone or something without any sort of invitation.
  1. Plants
  2. Factories contribute largely to it.
  3. After disagreeing with someone in a sharp manner.
  4. Having great devotion to a country.
  5. You may do this at the end of a game.
  6. Absorbs radiation.
  7. After a main meal.
  8. Full of energy.
  9. Shoelaces come undone after being too _____.

20 Clues: PlantsAnimalsFull of energy.Absorbs radiation.After a main meal.Notice every detail.A branch of biology.I quiet place to read.When smoke flows outwards.To add water to help crops grow."You must stay," the man I_______.Factories contribute largely to it.Having great devotion to a country.After saying a joke you have ______....

homework 2016-05-12

homework crossword puzzle
  1. used by coaches to make their voice louder
  2. devise made by Samuel Morse
  3. device made by Alexander Graham Bell
  4. makes a voice louder
  5. a percussion instrument played with mallets
  6. used to see small objects
  7. a section of writing
  8. a book about someone's life
  1. two words that sound the same and are spelled the same
  2. to put on television
  3. used to see distant objects
  4. celebrity's signature
  5. a piece of music
  6. also called a photo
  7. decorative handwriting
  8. another word for two words that sound the same and are spelled the same
  9. uses radiation to heat food
  10. a photographic copy
  11. a brass woodwind instrument
  12. study of life

20 Clues: study of lifea piece of musicalso called a photoa photographic copyto put on televisionmakes a voice loudera section of writingcelebrity's signaturedecorative handwritingused to see small objectsused to see distant objectsdevise made by Samuel Morseuses radiation to heat fooda brass woodwind instrumenta book about someone's life...

Radiation Practice 2017-03-13

Radiation Practice crossword puzzle
  1. unit of exposure in air
  2. interaction of radiation with the outermost electron
  3. old unit of absorbed dose
  4. the antiparticle of an electron
  5. electromagnetic radiation that has no charge
  6. Particulate radiation: a very fast electron
  7. "braking radiation"
  8. is a subatomic particle with a neutral charge
  9. a form of radiation that transmits in waves
  1. an ionizing event that occurs at above 10 MeV
  2. is an elementary particle, the particle of light
  3. is a subatomic with a positive electric charge
  4. an ionizing event that makes a particle and an antiparticle
  5. Particulate radiation: a helium nucleus (2 protons and 2 neutrons)
  6. is a subatomic particle with a negative electric charge
  7. old unit of equivalent dose
  8. otherwise known as coherent scattering, non-inonizing
  9. interaction of radiation with the inner shell electrons
  10. S.I. unit of equivalent dose
  11. S.I. unit of absorbed dose

20 Clues: "braking radiation"unit of exposure in airold unit of absorbed doseS.I. unit of absorbed doseold unit of equivalent doseS.I. unit of equivalent dosethe antiparticle of an electronParticulate radiation: a very fast electrona form of radiation that transmits in waveselectromagnetic radiation that has no charge...

Radiation Physics 2018-04-16

Radiation Physics crossword puzzle
  1. After absorbing the neutron the nucleus splits into two nuclei of lower Z as well as giving off additional neutrons
  2. the amount of energy present per unit of time per unit of area perpendicular to the beam direction
  3. Low mass nuclei combine to form one nucleusmass released since the mass of the product particles is less than the mass of reactants
  4. the difference between the actual weight and the sum of the constituent parts. (Two words)
  5. ____ dose describes the quantity of radiation for all types of ionizing radiation, including charged and uncharged particles, all materials, and all energies
  6. A type of scatter when an electromagnetic wave, passes near an electron and causes it to oscillate and the oscillating electron then re-irradiates the energy at the same frequency, and wavelength, as the incident e.m. wave
  7. The time required for either that activity or the number of radioactive atoms to decay to half the initial value (two words)
  8. treatment criteria for the plan optimization are given by the planner and the computer will determine what the correct leaf sequence is needed is considered _____ planning
  9. The law in which the voltage across the total circuit or any portion of the circuit is equal to the current times the resistance.
  10. affects the low energy portion of the spectrum by absorbing the low energy photons and hardens the beam
  11. This type of therapy treats in the 50 to 150kV range and treats to a depth of 5mm or less
  12. the scattering of photons away from the original point source
  13. atoms having nuclei with the same number of Neutrons but different number of protons
  14. a single fraction treatment for intracranial lesions using a combination of a specialized immobilization and narrow multiple beams delivered through Non-coplanar isocentric arcs (acronym)
  15. technique in which a nonuniform fluence is delivered to the patient from any given position of the treatment beam to optimize composite dose distribution (acronym)
  16. Elementary particle with a positive electric charge equal to that of an electron and a mass approximately to that of a neutron. found within the nucleus of the atom
  17. Electron interacts with atom and ejects an orbital electron an outer shell orbital wants to fill that vacancy and the excess energy is given off as this type of x-ray
  18. "type of radiotherapy wave maximizes reflecting waves at both ends as to give rise to stationary waves by combining forward and reverse traveling waves.
  19. ratio of dose at a depth in a phantom to dose in free space at the same distance  (acronym)
  20. Elementary particle with one negative charge that surrounds the positively charged nucleus and determines the chemical properties of the atom
  21. A material that in some conditions behaves as a conductor but behaves like an insulator in other conditions
  22. a type of phantom that uses materials to simulate body parts
  23. A type of decay where the mass number is reduced by 4 and the atomic number is reduced by 2
  24. Vacancy in orbital shell is filled by another electron and the transition energy is given off as characteristic x-ray (two words)
  25. energy transferred from photons to electrons
  26. type of radiotherapy wave that requires a terminating load to absorb the residual power at the end of the structure- to prevent backward reflecting wave
  27. atoms having nuclei with the same number of Protons but different number of neutrons
  1. An insulator is any material that does not allow electron flow
  2. same number of nucleons but different number of protons (different element)
  3. the principle that energy absorbed in a medium from radiation appears ultimately as heat energy while a small amount may appear in the form of a chemical change
  4. the region at the edge of a radiation beam over which the dose rate changes rapidly as a function of distance from the beam axis
  5. measure of ionization produced in air by photons
  6. uncharged elementary particle, with a mass slightly greater than that of a proton, that is found in the nucleus of every atom heavier than hydrogen
  7. Radioactive decay accompanied by the ejection of a positive or negative electron from the nucleus
  8. Thickness of a specified material that when introduced into the path of the beam, reduces the exposure rate by one half (acronym)
  9. the incident particle does not have sufficient energy to eject an electron from the atom- so it raises the electrons to higher energy levels
  10. "a dosimetry device used determine the optical density of the film which is a measure of the degree of blackening of the film
  11. when an x-ray passes near an orbital electron of an atom and passes enough energy to the electron to remove it from the atom
  12. same number of protons as well as neutrons- same elements but differ in the nuclear energy states… the last example has an isomer
  13. this type of therapy treat 500 to 1000 kV and uses a transmission target
  14. “Breaking” Radiation– electronic collision in which the electron passes near a nucleus and the columbic forces causing an ACCELERATION in which the electron MUST release energy
  15. energy emitted and transferred through space
  16. The Law in which the electrostatic force is directly proportional to the product of the electrostatic charges and inversely proportional to the SQUARE of the distance between them
  17. "A law that states that the intensity of radiation at a location is inversely proportional to the square of its distance from the source of radiation. (two words)
  18. the RATIO of the daughter activity to the parent activity remains constant over time.
  19. component to the linac that includes pulse forming network and thyratron- high voltage pulses are flat topped DV pulses of few microseconds in duration.  These pulses are delivered to either the magnetron or klystron and simultaneously to the electron gun
  20. Electron produced outside the collection region, which enter the ion-collecting region, is equal to the electron produced inside the collection region , which deposit their energy outside the region. (acronym)
  21. the energy of the electron orbit, but with the opposite sign./The energy required to dissociate a structure. (two words)
  22. this type of therapy treats in the 200 to 400 kV with the 90% isodose line at a depth of 2cm
  23. A conductor is a substance through which electrons flow easily
  24. component to the linac that Produces microwaves of several microseconds duration and a rep rate of several hundred pulses per second and Has cathode and anode in which electrons are generated by heating a filament within the cathode
  25. a dosimetric device of tissue equivalence used to predict dose distribution in an actual patient
  26. percentage of the absorbed dose at any depth d to the absorbed dose at a fixed reference depth along central axis (acronym)

53 Clues: energy emitted and transferred through spaceenergy transferred from photons to electronsmeasure of ionization produced in air by photonsa type of phantom that uses materials to simulate body partsthe scattering of photons away from the original point sourceAn insulator is any material that does not allow electron flow...

Radiation Protection 2019-10-24

Radiation Protection crossword puzzle
  1. controls the whole cell and its function
  2. ______ bonds attach the DNA bases to each other hydrogen
  3. weighting factors are used to calculate
  4. adenine binds with
  5. powerhouse of cell
  6. also known as fats
  7. value of specific cancer occurrences post exposure
  8. evaluation of chromosome damage can be seen during _____ phase of cell division
  9. effects biologic damage from exposure to radiation
  10. blood cells are manufactured in
  11. 1 of the many symptoms of manifest illness
  12. 1 parent; 2 daughter cells
  13. the building blocks of a cell
  14. what kind of procedure has significant skin effects caused by ionizing radiation
  15. rays, form of low LET
  16. most common radiation related cancer after Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing
  17. radiation exposure to these WBC’s increases a person chance of infection
  18. a dose of 2.5 Gy to the gonads will cause temporary ______
  19. mutation dominant or recessive mutations of molecules
  1. medical term that defines a collection of symptoms
  2. _________ tissue is more radiosensitive than when it is not
  3. when blood vessels and permeable capillaries allow fluid to leak into the _______ it causes an increase in fluid content
  4. platelets
  5. stochastic arbitrary late effects such as cancer
  6. all blood cells develop from a single ____ cell
  7. dose needed to duplicate spontaneous mutations in populations
  8. can form in mice with doses as low as 0.1Gy
  9. "suicide bags"
  10. purines combine with pyrimidines to form ______
  11. once known as interphase death
  12. French scientist who observed effects of ionizing rad on male germ cells
  13. female germ cell
  14. gestational phase 10 days- 12 weeks post conception
  15. hair loss
  16. 1 parent; 2 daughter cells; half chromosomes
  17. most radiosensitive white blood cell
  18. study of diseases in a population
  19. prediction of increase in radiation related cancer in proportion to natural cases of cancer
  20. granulocytes are a ___________ type of white blood cell that fights bacteria
  21. shrinkage of organs

40 Clues: plateletshair loss"suicide bags"female germ celladenine binds withpowerhouse of cellalso known as fatsshrinkage of organsrays, form of low LET1 parent; 2 daughter cellsthe building blocks of a cellonce known as interphase deathblood cells are manufactured instudy of diseases in a populationmost radiosensitive white blood cell...

Radiation Protection 2019-10-24

Radiation Protection crossword puzzle
  1. 1 of the many symptoms of manifest illness
  2. the building blocks of a cell
  3. platelets
  4. all blood cells develop from a single ____ cell
  5. French scientist who observed effects of ionizing rad on male germ cells
  6. stochastic arbitrary late effects such as cancer
  7. can form in mice with doses as low as 0.1Gy
  8. weighting factors are used to calculate
  9. adenine binds with
  10. most radiosensitive white blood cell
  11. dose needed to duplicate spontaneous mutations in populations
  12. value of specific cancer occurrences post exposure
  13. 1 parent; 2 daughter cells
  14. "suicide bags"
  15. effects biologic damage from exposure to radiation
  16. rays, form of low LET
  17. purines combine with pyrimidines to form ______
  18. ______ bonds attach the DNA bases to each other hydrogen
  1. what kind of procedure has significant skin effects caused by ionizing radiation
  2. powerhouse of cell
  3. mutation dominant or recessive mutations of molecules
  4. female germ cell
  5. evaluation of chromosome damage can be seen during _____ phase of cell division
  6. controls the whole cell and its function
  7. shrinkage of organs
  8. prediction of increase in radiation related cancer in proportion to natural cases of cancer
  9. gestational phase 10 days- 12 weeks post conception
  10. study of diseases in a population
  11. radiation exposure to these WBC’s increases a person chance of infection
  12. when blood vessels and permeable capillaries allow fluid to leak into the _______ it causes an increase in fluid content
  13. _________ tissue is more radiosensitive than when it is not
  14. once known as interphase death
  15. 1 parent; 2 daughter cells; half chromosomes
  16. a dose of 2.5 Gy to the gonads will cause temporary ______
  17. hair loss
  18. blood cells are manufactured in
  19. most common radiation related cancer after Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing
  20. granulocytes are a ___________ type of white blood cell that fights bacteria

38 Clues: plateletshair loss"suicide bags"female germ cellpowerhouse of celladenine binds withshrinkage of organsrays, form of low LET1 parent; 2 daughter cellsthe building blocks of a cellonce known as interphase deathblood cells are manufactured instudy of diseases in a populationmost radiosensitive white blood cellweighting factors are used to calculate...

Exploring Radiation 2020-10-18

Exploring Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Gamma rays can be used as a _______ to accumulate in specific tissues or organs for diagnostic purposes.
  2. Process by which two nuclei fuse releasing energy.
  3. Radiation that comes from natural and artificial sources and surrounds us at all times.
  4. Alpha particles are composed of two protons and two neutrons - a _______ nuclei.
  5. Beta radiation can pass through paper but is absorbed by a few centimetres of _______
  6. Activity is the number of radioactive nuclei that _______ per second.
  7. The Equivalent dose is the absorbed dose multiplied by the radiation _______ factor.
  8. Increases the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor.
  9. Nuclear fusion requires the hydrogen fuel to be heated to such a high temperature it becomes _______.
  10. The absorbed dose is energy absorbed per unit _______.
  11. Negatively-charged particles in an atom.
  12. The type of atom is determined by of these in the nucleus.
  13. Process by which a nucleus splits into two pieces releasing energy.
  1. The process whereby an atom gains or loses electrons.
  2. Famous nuclear disaster that occurred in Ukraine in 1986.
  3. Common fuel for nuclear fission.
  4. Time taken for the activity of a radioactive source to half.
  5. Absorbed dose is measured in _______.
  6. Decrease the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor.
  7. The total effect caused by exposure to radiation depends on the absorbed dose, type of ionising radiation and type of _______ exposed.
  8. Process by which the neutrons produced in fission go onto to cause further fission reactions, which create more neutrons, which cause more fission reactions and so on.
  9. Type of radiation that is part of the EM spectrum.
  10. Radiation can ionise living tissue which can lead to _______.
  11. Most common source of background radiation, a radioactive gas released from the ground.
  12. You should always use these when handling radioactive sources.
  13. Radiation causes photographic film to _______.

26 Clues: Common fuel for nuclear fission.Absorbed dose is measured in _______.Negatively-charged particles in an atom.Radiation causes photographic film to _______.Process by which two nuclei fuse releasing energy.Type of radiation that is part of the EM spectrum.Decrease the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor....

Exploring Radiation 2020-10-18

Exploring Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Gamma rays can be used as a _______ to accumulate in specific tissues or organs for diagnostic purposes.
  2. Most common source of background radiation, a radioactive gas released from the ground.
  3. Type of radiation that is part of the EM spectrum.
  4. Process by which two nuclei fuse releasing energy.
  5. Beta radiation can pass through paper but is absorbed by a few centimetres of _______
  6. Absorbed dose is measured in _______.
  7. Time taken for the activity of a radioactive source to half.
  8. The type of atom is determined by of these in the nucleus.
  9. You should always use these when handling radioactive sources.
  10. Negatively-charged particles in an atom.
  11. The total effect caused by exposure to radiation depends on the absorbed dose, type of ionising radiation and type of _______ exposed.
  12. Activity is the number of radioactive nuclei that _______ per second.
  13. The absorbed dose is energy absorbed per unit _______.
  14. Common fuel for nuclear fission.
  15. Process by which a nucleus splits into two pieces releasing energy.
  1. Process by which the neutrons produced in fission go onto to cause further fission reactions, which create more neutrons, which cause more fission reactions and so on.
  2. Famous nuclear disaster that occurred in Ukraine in 1986.
  3. The Equivalent dose is the absorbed dose multiplied by the radiation _______ factor.
  4. Alpha particles are composed of two protons and two neutrons - a _______ nuclei.
  5. Increases the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor.
  6. Nuclear fusion requires the hydrogen fuel to be heated to such a high temperature it becomes _______.
  7. Decrease the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor.
  8. Radiation that comes from natural and artificial sources and surrounds us at all times.
  9. Radiation can ionise living tissue which can lead to _______.
  10. Radiation causes photographic film to _______.
  11. The process whereby an atom gains or loses electrons.

26 Clues: Common fuel for nuclear fission.Absorbed dose is measured in _______.Negatively-charged particles in an atom.Radiation causes photographic film to _______.Type of radiation that is part of the EM spectrum.Process by which two nuclei fuse releasing energy.Decrease the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor....

Electromagnetic Radiation 2023-10-02

Electromagnetic Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. compression of a (radiation) wave indicates it is __shifted.
  2. has a wave we can percieve (sense), but isn't electromagnetic radiation (or light)
  3. inverse of wavelength
  4. a star is ____ if one side is redshifted and the other blueshifted
  5. excites water molecules; also a kitchen appliance
  6. a cold color in astronomy
  7. star moving away is _____ed
  8. longer wavelength than microwaves
  9. light humans see
  10. highest-energy color
  11. distance between two crests of a wave
  1. object moving toward
  2. radiation you are producing; heat
  3. a field of study in which you find the 'finger print' of an element
  4. All possible, unbroken light shown as one ___ spectrum
  5. the most dangerous/energetic radiation
  6. you get this radiation if you break a bone
  7. sunscreen protects against ____ radiation
  8. because we have samples on Earth, we compare them to objects in space determining their ___
  9. phenomenon when frequency changes with motion

20 Clues: light humans seeobject moving towardhighest-energy colorinverse of wavelengtha cold color in astronomystar moving away is _____edradiation you are producing; heatlonger wavelength than microwavesdistance between two crests of a wavethe most dangerous/energetic radiationsunscreen protects against ____ radiation...

Radiation Protection 2024-01-25

Radiation Protection crossword puzzle
  1. Theory cell death occurs when radiation interacts and inactivates master molecule
  2. symptoms of syndrome begin.
  3. indicates recovery can occur at low dose
  4. No symptoms, False calm, 5 days-4 weeks long.
  5. Non-Random, Threshold
  6. Syndrome occurs after a large whole body dose 50+ Gy.
  7. Syndrome occurs after a whole-body dose 10+ Gy.
  8. These proteins are capable of repair and recovery after sublethal doses
  9. Reproductive Cells
  10. Significant reddening of the skin, Infected
  11. Late Deterministic Somatic effect of the eyes.
  12. Occurs after a whole body reception of large radiation of Ionizing radiation.
  13. Severe N/V/D a few hours after exposure
  14. Hair loss also known as alopecia
  15. Probabilistic; Non-Threshold
  1. Syndrome occurs after a whole-body dose of Ionizing radiation 1-12 Gy
  2. A point in which effects begin and below which are absent.
  3. interaction occurs with water.
  4. Patient succumbs to their illness
  5. Response does not occur below this level.
  6. Most important late stochastic effect. Severity not dose related
  7. Response to Radiation is direction proportional to dose. No safe level.
  8. Require a large dose not seen in Diagnostic imaging, Effects appear in minutes to weeks.
  9. Effects that appear months to years after one or multiple exposures.
  10. Cells belonging to self.
  11. The whole-body dose of radiation that can be lethal to half of the exposed population in thirty days.
  12. Interaction occurs with essential molecules
  13. Only possible in Hematopoietic Syndrome

28 Clues: Reproductive CellsNon-Random, ThresholdCells belonging to self.symptoms of syndrome begin.Probabilistic; Non-Thresholdinteraction occurs with water.Hair loss also known as alopeciaPatient succumbs to their illnessSevere N/V/D a few hours after exposureOnly possible in Hematopoietic Syndromeindicates recovery can occur at low dose...

Medical Terminology Final Exam 2015-06-01

Medical Terminology Final Exam crossword puzzle
  1. disease condition
  2. encloses the heart
  3. teacher
  4. cigarettes
  5. infarction heart attack
  6. condition usually abnormal
  7. instrument to visually exam
  8. heart
  9. can cause decreased urine output
  10. DNA in each chromosome
  11. above, upon
  12. tailbone
  13. behind
  14. before
  1. finds cause of death
  2. excessive, more than normal
  3. laying on ones back
  4. used to expose the brain
  5. structures that provide energy
  6. process of cutting, incision
  7. causes the person to breathe thru a stoma
  8. complete, through
  9. deficient, below
  10. loss of appetite due to emotional issues
  11. colorectal cancer diagnosis
  12. reaction to certain drugs, radiation therapy or potential irritants,
  13. branch of biology
  14. within
  15. right upper quadrant

29 Clues: heartwithinbehindbeforeteachertailbonecigarettesabove, upondeficient, belowdisease conditioncomplete, throughbranch of biologyencloses the heartlaying on ones backfinds cause of deathright upper quadrantDNA in each chromosomeinfarction heart attackused to expose the braincondition usually abnormalexcessive, more than normal...

P7 RADIATION 2016-03-14

P7 RADIATION crossword puzzle
  1. A particle with charge = +1 and mass = 1 (11)
  2. The radiation used to treat cancers (4)
  3. The charge of a neutron (7)
  4. Formed by gamma decay of 60-Ni (8)
  5. The charge of a proton (8)
  6. The power of radiation to pass through a material (4)
  7. A particle with charge = 0 and mass = 1 (6)
  8. The process of exposing an object to nuclear radiation. The object does not become radioactive (13)
  9. The unit of radioactive activity (8)
  10. Electrons move to lower energy levels, which releases light (8)
  11. The power of radiation to knock electrons off atoms (11)
  12. The experiment which proved the nuclear model (Alpha ________) (6)
  13. The atom is ten _________ times bigger than the nucleus (10)
  14. Discovered the nuclear model of the atom (7)
  15. Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons (7)
  16. The same thing as a beta particle (7)
  17. A few mm of this stops alpha radiation (5)
  18. Where mass is concentrated in the atom (7)
  1. The decay of radioactive nuclei is…. (6)
  2. The time taken for the radioactivity to half (6)
  3. The meaning of "M" in the GM tube (6)
  4. The radiation used in smoke alarms (8)
  5. Light moves electrons to higher energy levels (10)
  6. This disease can be caused by radiation (5)
  7. Formed by beta decay of 14-C (9)
  8. uThe presence of unwanted materials containing radioactive atoms or other materials (8)
  9. Formed by alpha decay of 14-C (6)
  10. The radiation used to measure wallpaper thickness (5)
  11. Discovered electron energy levels (4)
  12. The alpha particle is a nuclei of this element (8)
  13. The charge of an electron (8)
  14. A few m of this stops gamma radiation (9)
  15. A few cm of this stops beta radiation (5)
  16. Another name for an electron energy level (5)
  17. The meaning of "G" in the GM tube (8)
  18. Discovered the electron and plum pudding model of the atom (3)
  19. Atoms with different numbers of protons and electrons (7)

37 Clues: The charge of a proton (8)The charge of a neutron (7)The charge of an electron (8)Formed by beta decay of 14-C (9)Formed by alpha decay of 14-C (6)Formed by gamma decay of 60-Ni (8)The unit of radioactive activity (8)The meaning of "M" in the GM tube (6)Discovered electron energy levels (4)The meaning of "G" in the GM tube (8)...

EM Radiation 2021-06-05

EM Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. - images in a mirror are laterally __________
  2. - best subject in the world
  3. - Time taken for one full cycle of a wave
  4. - The maximum displacement of a point on a wave from its undisturbed position
  5. - for diffraction to happen, the wavelength needs to be ________ to the opening
  6. - An example of a transverse wave
  7. - When waves travel through a medium, the ___________ oscillate
  8. - X-rays and Gamma rays are both used to treat cancer because they are _________
  9. - fancy name for "per second"
  10. - Number of waves per second
  11. - Surname of breathtaking and magnificent human being
  12. - The section of the electromagnetic spectrum with the longest wavelength
  13. - Light is refracted when it travels into a more dense medium because the light changes _______
  14. - transferred by waves
  15. - The name for the line draw at 90 degrees (perpendicular) from a surface
  16. - this radiation is absorbed by water molecules
  17. - The units for wavelength
  1. - Frequency x wavelength =
  2. - Type of wave where the particle movement is parallel to the direction of the energy transfer of the wave
  3. - The section of the electromagnetic spectrum where exposure to too much can increase risk of skin cancer
  4. - All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed through a _______
  5. - The angle of _______ is always equal to the angle or reflection
  6. - _______ are removed from atoms by ionising radiation
  7. - spreading of waves when they pass through an opening
  8. - Type of wave where the particle movement is perpendicular to the direction of the energy transfer of the wave
  9. -Distance between two identical points on a wave
  10. - The section of the electromagnetic spectrum used in fibre optics
  11. - The section of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by all hot objects
  12. - An example of a longitudinal wave
  13. - A use of visible light
  14. - When light travels into a more dense medium it bends ________ the normal
  15. - not transferred by waves

32 Clues: - transferred by waves- A use of visible light- Frequency x wavelength =- not transferred by waves- The units for wavelength- best subject in the world- Number of waves per second- fancy name for "per second"- An example of a transverse wave- An example of a longitudinal wave- Time taken for one full cycle of a wave...

Radiation- Xray 2024-04-17

Radiation- Xray crossword puzzle
  1. are abnormalities or disorders of the vascular system, either in veins or arteries.
  2. Is an instrument with a fluorescent screen used for viewing X-ray images without taking and developing X-ray photographs.
  3. the negatively charged electrode by which electrons enter an electrical device.
  4. Is the English term of Bremsstrahlung Radiation.
  5. The inner shell are the electrons closest to the nucleus – usually the S and P shells due to their lower energy sub orbitals.
  6. refers to a computerized x-ray imaging procedure in which a narrow beam of x-rays is aimed at a patient and quickly rotated around the body, producing signals that are processed by the machine’s computer to generate cross-sectional images, or “slices.”
  7. is a type of imaging procedure that uses several pulses of an X-ray beam to take real-time footage of tissues inside your body.
  8. A type of X-ray used to check blood vessels.
  9. the process of transforming an image into a digital form and performing certain operations to get some useful information.
  10. the radiation given off by free electrons that are deflected (i.e., accelerated) in the electric fields of charged particles and the nuclei of atoms.
  11. It is a form of energy that acts by removing electrons from atoms and molecules of materials that include air, water, and living tissue.
  12. the process or occupation of taking radiographs to assist in medical examinations.
  13. the positively charged electrode by which the electrons leave a device.Electrons
  1. A keV (or kiloelectron volt) is equal to 1000 electron volts.
  2. takes place when the incoming electrons collide with the electrons within the heavy metal and knock-out the electrons from the electron shell.
  3. A procedure that uses a computer linked to an x-ray machine that gives off a very low dose of radiation to make a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body.
  4. are waves that are created as a result of vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field.
  5. The distance between peaks (high points).
  6. A type of radiation used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and other diseases.
  7. a picture produced on a sensitive surface by a form of radiation other than visible light. specifically : an X-ray or gamma ray photograph.
  8. The total amount of a substance or radiation that a person is exposed to over time.
  9. Is the use of lead as a form of radiation protection to shield people or objects from radiation so as to reduce the effective dose.
  10. Is an imaging test that uses sound waves to make pictures of organs, tissues, and other structures inside your body.
  11. is the act of emitting radiation spontaneously
  12. Are a type of diagnostic test that can create detailed images of nearly every structure and organ inside the body.

25 Clues: The distance between peaks (high points).A type of X-ray used to check blood vessels.is the act of emitting radiation spontaneouslyIs the English term of Bremsstrahlung Radiation.A keV (or kiloelectron volt) is equal to 1000 electron volts.the negatively charged electrode by which electrons enter an electrical device....

Radiation puzzle 2023-05-05

Radiation puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. give off, send forth, or discharge
  2. atom with same atomic number, different number of neutrons
  3. the amount per unit size
  4. the positively charged dense center of an atom
  5. relating to the smallest component of an element
  6. an elementary particle with a negative charge
  7. a subatomic particle with zero charge
  8. a radioactive isotope of an element
  1. arrangement of chemical elements according to atomic number
  2. a substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances
  3. is the discharge of particles or rays in nuclear decay
  4. the quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body
  5. a stable particle with a positive charge
  6. the spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance
  7. having no net electric charge
  8. in a spontaneous manner
  9. apparatus to maintain and control a nuclear reaction
  10. maintaining equilibrium
  11. exhibiting or caused by emissions in nuclear decay

19 Clues: in a spontaneous mannermaintaining equilibriumthe amount per unit sizehaving no net electric chargegive off, send forth, or dischargea radioactive isotope of an elementa subatomic particle with zero chargea stable particle with a positive chargean elementary particle with a negative chargethe positively charged dense center of an atom...

The Winna-Crossword: Earth Day 2023-04-10

The Winna-Crossword: Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. Relating to the sun; a type of energy
  2. Abbreviation for environmental class at WHS
  3. Production of gas or radiation
  4. A branch of science relating to life
  5. Place to dispose of waste
  6. To maintain in original state
  7. To contaminate
  8. Natural home of an animal or plant
  9. Vanished or no longer living
  10. Toxic gas
  1. A club offered at WHS relating to Earth
  2. Relating to living matter
  3. To reuse
  4. Decayed material used as plant fertilizer
  5. Energy not depleted by use like water
  6. Surroundings in which we live
  7. Trash in a public place
  8. Envelope of gases surrounding the Earth

18 Clues: To reuseToxic gasTo contaminateTrash in a public placeRelating to living matterPlace to dispose of wasteVanished or no longer livingSurroundings in which we liveTo maintain in original stateProduction of gas or radiationNatural home of an animal or plantA branch of science relating to lifeRelating to the sun; a type of energy...

Radiation 2023-08-12

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. A type of Electromagnetic radiation used to heat up food
  2. The flow of heat along a body or between one body and another
  3. Is a machine that uses radiation to get rid of cancer
  4. The length of time it takes for half of the radioactive cells to decay
  5. The rate of change between an option's Delta and the underlying asset's price
  1. Energy that comes from a source and travels through the speed of light
  2. A type of Electromagnetic radiation that is bright
  3. secondary electrons that are ejected from their orbit and additionally have sufficient kinetic energy to travel a significant distance from its point of interaction
  4. The transfer of thermal energy through the movement of a liquid or gas
  5. A measure of the volatility—or systematic risk—of a security or portfolio compared to the market as a whole
  6. Occurs when the nucleus of an atom becomes unstable (the ratio of neutrons to protons is too low) and alpha particles are released to restore balance

11 Clues: A type of Electromagnetic radiation that is brightIs a machine that uses radiation to get rid of cancerA type of Electromagnetic radiation used to heat up foodThe flow of heat along a body or between one body and anotherEnergy that comes from a source and travels through the speed of light...

Electromagnetic Radiation 2022-05-18

Electromagnetic Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. number of waves that pass a fixed point
  2. used for satellite communication
  3. type of light the human eye cannot see
  4. electromagnetic waves transmit
  5. used to see inside the body and view bones
  6. segment that can be seen by human eye
  7. spectrum describes all kinds of it
  8. highest frequency of waves on the spectrum
  9. lowest frequency of waves on the spectrum
  10. detected by heat
  11. distance between crest of a wave
  1. transmission of energy in the form of waves
  2. amount of different types of waves
  3. radiation comes from the sun
  4. measures the visible light
  5. used for suntanning
  6. how fast do waves travel
  7. used in remote controls
  8. abbreviation for electromagnetic radiation
  9. color from the visible light spectrum

20 Clues: detected by heatused for suntanningused in remote controlshow fast do waves travelmeasures the visible lightradiation comes from the sunelectromagnetic waves transmitused for satellite communicationdistance between crest of a waveamount of different types of wavesspectrum describes all kinds of itsegment that can be seen by human eye...

Radiation 2019-09-21

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. A type of nuclear radiation is an electron produced from the nucleus.
  2. A material that can block alpha particles.
  3. The charge on an alpha particle.
  4. A type of nuclear radiation that is a electromagnetic wave.
  5. The unit of radioactive dose.
  1. The part of the atom where radiation comes from.
  2. Radioactive decay is a ______ process.
  3. The charge on a beta particle.
  4. The unit of radioactivity decay.
  5. A type of nuclear radiation made from two protons and two neutrons.
  6. A metal that can reduce gamma radiation.

11 Clues: The unit of radioactive dose.The charge on a beta particle.The unit of radioactivity decay.The charge on an alpha particle.Radioactive decay is a ______ process.A metal that can reduce gamma radiation.A material that can block alpha particles.The part of the atom where radiation comes from.A type of nuclear radiation that is a electromagnetic wave....

Electromagnetic Radiation 2017-04-24

Electromagnetic Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. 1 cycle / second
  2. Voltage is analogous to ____
  3. The shortest wavelengths we know about are the size of the nucleus of an __
  4. What kind of field tells us which way charges get pushed
  5. All electromagnetic energy is created by
  6. What are the shortest radio waves?
  7. What kind of ray is the most energetic form of E-M energy?
  8. My teacher calls himself
  9. Visible light photons have about how many electron volts?
  10. What field is the result of a change in an electric field
  11. Cosmic rays are ___
  1. The longest wavelengths we know about are somewhat larger than the ___
  2. What starts at the end of the visible spectrum?
  3. velocity of light / wavelength
  4. What kind of waves are good for identifying atoms with a spectograph?
  5. In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves travel at the same ____
  6. If we want to look at molecules, we use ___
  7. The first person to investigate the question the velocity of light
  8. 1 million cycles / second

19 Clues: 1 cycle / secondCosmic rays are ___My teacher calls himself1 million cycles / secondVoltage is analogous to ____velocity of light / wavelengthWhat are the shortest radio waves?All electromagnetic energy is created byIf we want to look at molecules, we use ___What starts at the end of the visible spectrum?...

Chapter 5 puzzle Tanner Buckland, Dashaw Kay 2015-01-08

Chapter 5 puzzle Tanner Buckland, Dashaw Kay crossword puzzle
  1. corridors natural strips that allow the migration of
  2. blocks ultraviolet radiation
  3. variety of life in an area
  4. biology the study methods to protect biodiversity
  5. an organism that is held by people
  6. from one area to another.
  7. species not native to a particular area
  1. species decline of a species rapidly.
  2. once lived.
  3. degradation damage to a habitat by pollution
  4. precipitation (ex. rain, snow, sleet, fog) with low pH values
  5. programs release organisms into an area were their
  6. disappearance of a species
  7. effect different conditions around an ecosystem

14 Clues: once lived.from one area to another.variety of life in an areadisappearance of a speciesblocks ultraviolet radiationan organism that is held by peoplespecies decline of a species rapidly.species not native to a particular areadegradation damage to a habitat by pollutioneffect different conditions around an ecosystem...

Bio Department 2020-08-16

Bio Department crossword puzzle
  1. Always initiating novel ways to excite one another
  2. Just the dude
  3. The quick elimination of harmful elements that might affect productivity of the Biology Department
  4. Connoisseur of Life & Consumer of Wanderlust
  5. Never lacking. Also aqueous and vitreous
  6. Biology Department is the core from which all love for Biology emanates from.
  7. What don't kill ya makes ya stronger
  8. the feeling of enthusiasm they derived from one another. Also the process of breathing in.
  9. The pillar of our collective strength
  10. similar mindsets alluding to the Lock and Key hypothesis
  11. What Tina Turner will say to the Biology Department
  12. Consistently displaying astute levels of performance in daily routines
  1. the freeflow exchange of passion
  2. Promoter of Camaraderie & Purveyor of Positivity
  3. Energy level of Biology Department
  4. the tapestry woven from the combination of powers in Biology Department
  5. Repetitions make Biology Department predicts the outcome of the Future more favourably
  6. Miss Excellence & Loyal Kim Gek
  7. Always determined, firm and exacting in our teaching
  8. What the Biology Department really are
  9. Distinction in this aspect
  10. The occasionally chill-out session, usually revolving around makaning
  11. Pantomath & Thirsty Seeker of Knowledge
  12. Combination of Gaia, Goodall and Greatness
  13. abundance of ATP in Biology Department

25 Clues: Just the dudeDistinction in this aspectMiss Excellence & Loyal Kim Gekthe freeflow exchange of passionEnergy level of Biology DepartmentWhat don't kill ya makes ya strongerThe pillar of our collective strengthWhat the Biology Department really areabundance of ATP in Biology DepartmentPantomath & Thirsty Seeker of Knowledge...

Solar Radiation 2015-10-11

Solar Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. These are what make atoms move faster to create heat.
  2. One of the elements the sun is made up of.
  3. The_________________ spectrum
  4. Light can travel through things that are this.
  5. Four hydrogen make one of these, the rest is energy.
  6. ________ rays are one of the most dangerous of all types of radiation.
  7. This effect is what keeps heat in the atmosphere.
  8. Things that are ________ cannot transmit light.
  9. Type of energy emitted from the sun.
  10. What is happening when rainbows appear.
  1. _______radiation helps you take pictures in the dark.
  2. The type of radiation that atoms in motion make.
  3. ________light is emitted from the sun,
  4. __________is radiant energy emitted by the sun.
  5. ________light is the rainbow.
  6. ______waves can cook your food
  7. Mirrors do this to images.
  8. _______waves are what create television programming.

18 Clues: Mirrors do this to images.________light is the rainbow.The_________________ spectrum______waves can cook your foodType of energy emitted from the sun.________light is emitted from the sun,What is happening when rainbows appear.One of the elements the sun is made up of.Light can travel through things that are this....


RADIATION SAFETY crossword puzzle


Radiation Safety 2017-12-08

Radiation Safety crossword puzzle
  1. DDE
  2. REM
  3. ci
  4. Bq
  5. ALARA
  6. SRPD
  1. CFR
  2. LDE
  3. RAD
  4. NOS
  5. TLD
  6. NRC
  7. SDE
  8. RSO
  9. HVL
  10. AMU
  11. HL
  12. QF


Radiation crossword 2020-11-22

Radiation crossword crossword puzzle
  1. High energy, low ionising radiation
  2. Describes the ever-growing series of fissions needed in fission
  3. Unit of Equivalent Dose
  4. The process of joining smaller nuclei to form larger nuclei
  5. Medical application using electromagnetic radiation
  6. Example metal used to shield from Beta radiation
  7. large element used in fission
  8. product element after fusing hydrogen
  9. Natural radioactivity all around
  10. Word describing radiation detection by flashing
  1. Gray's are the unit of ________ dose
  2. fast moving beta particle
  3. Illness caused by radiation damage to DNA in cells
  4. The process of splitting nuclei
  5. Absorbs some of the neutrons released during fusion
  6. Alpha radiation is this element's nucleus
  7. Part of the atom where decay occurs
  8. Describes the nature of radioactive decay
  9. positive or negative charged atom

19 Clues: Unit of Equivalent Dosefast moving beta particlelarge element used in fissionThe process of splitting nucleiNatural radioactivity all aroundpositive or negative charged atomHigh energy, low ionising radiationPart of the atom where decay occursGray's are the unit of ________ doseproduct element after fusing hydrogen...

quiz 2 2018-12-19

quiz 2 crossword puzzle
  1. healthcare, recycle
  2. biology talent
  3. healthcare, ~ exercise
  4. nature, soil erosion
  5. nature, atom
  6. biology, adapt
  7. nature, ~ resources
  8. healthcare, youth
  1. biology, use
  2. healthcare, alter
  3. nature, protect/preserve
  4. biology, dict
  5. healthcare, life expectancy
  6. nature, something that will increase because of climate change
  7. biology, gene
  8. nature, something that may pollute the environment

16 Clues: biology, usenature, atombiology, dictbiology, genebiology talentbiology, adapthealthcare, alterhealthcare, youthhealthcare, recyclenature, ~ resourcesnature, soil erosionhealthcare, ~ exercisenature, protect/preservehealthcare, life expectancynature, something that may pollute the environment...

Radiation 2023-02-15

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. One side effect of radiotherapy is patients often feel _____
  2. Radio_______ can be used to treat diseases such as cancer
  3. A Polish scientist called Marie _____ who did lots of work on radioactive substances
  4. Too much radiation can mutate your DNA and lead to this disease
  5. Something you can wear to protect yourself from radiation from the Sun
  1. Internal radiotherapy uses radiation _______ the body
  2. Radiation can be used to treat and also to ______ cancer
  3. Radioactive substances can be used as medical _______ to detect if people have cancer
  4. External radiotherapy uses radiation ________ the body
  5. Radiation can damage this molecule in your cells

10 Clues: Radiation can damage this molecule in your cellsInternal radiotherapy uses radiation _______ the bodyExternal radiotherapy uses radiation ________ the bodyRadiation can be used to treat and also to ______ cancerRadio_______ can be used to treat diseases such as cancerOne side effect of radiotherapy is patients often feel _____...

Radiation 2021-06-13

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Atoms of an element with the same numbers of protons, but different numbers of neutrons.
  2. Spectrum A spectrum of light that includes black lines caused by some wavelengths being absorbed by materials that the light passes through.
  3. Spectrum A set of wavelengths of light showing which waves have been given out (emitted) by a substance.
  4. Radiation Ionising radiation that is around us all the time from a number of sources.
  5. An atom or group of atoms with an electrical charge due to the gain or loss of electrons.
  1. The central part of an atom.
  2. A particle found in the nucleus of an atom with a positive charge and the same mass as a neutron.
  3. A particle found in the nucleus of an atom with a neutral charge and the same mass as a proton.
  4. A tiny particle with a negative charge and very little mass.
  5. tube A device that can detect ionising radiation and is used to measure the activity of a radioactive source.

10 Clues: The central part of an atom.A tiny particle with a negative charge and very little mass.Radiation Ionising radiation that is around us all the time from a number of sources.Atoms of an element with the same numbers of protons, but different numbers of neutrons.An atom or group of atoms with an electrical charge due to the gain or loss of electrons....

Science puzzle 2024-04-07

Science puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A molecule with two or more hydrogen atoms bonded to a single carbon atom
  2. The transfer of thermal energy through direct contact
  3. A mixture that can be separated into its components through physical means
  4. The study of living organisms
  5. The force that keeps objects moving in a circular path
  6. A neutral particle found in the nucleus of an atom
  7. A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being permanently changed
  8. The study of forces and their effects on motion
  9. The process by which cells divide to create new cells
  10. A process that breaks down food using oxygen
  11. The study of electricity and magnetism
  1. The process of living things obtaining nutrients for energy and growth
  2. The process by which plants capture energy from sunlight
  3. The force that opposes motion
  4. The basic unit of heredity passed from parent to offspring
  5. The transfer of thermal energy through waves or radiation
  6. The study of matter and its properties
  7. The force that pulls objects towards the Earth
  8. A balanced system where the forces acting on an object cancel each other out
  9. The smallest unit of a chemical element that can exist
  10. Tiny building blocks of all matter

21 Clues: The force that opposes motionThe study of living organismsTiny building blocks of all matterThe study of matter and its propertiesThe study of electricity and magnetismA process that breaks down food using oxygenThe force that pulls objects towards the EarthThe study of forces and their effects on motion...

Weeks 3-4 Vocabulary 2022-03-04

Weeks 3-4 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. drive, push, or cause to move in a particular direction, typically forward.
  2. the position of being a sponsor.
  3. causing a piece of machinery or other mechanism to revert to a safe condition in the event of a breakdown or malfunction.
  4. , a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.
  5. (of electromagnetic radiation) having a wavelength shorter than that of the violet end of the visible spectrum but longer than that of X-rays.
  6. begin; start.
  7. the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics, distinguished from that of chemistry and biology, includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms.
  1. a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.
  2. an instrument capable of detecting the vibrations in outer space plasma.
  3. a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.
  4. (of equipment or techniques) using or concerned with this radiation.
  5. skill in carrying out one's work.
  6. The scientific word for the solarsystem

13 Clues: begin; start.the position of being a sponsor.skill in carrying out one's work.The scientific word for the solarsystema movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.(of equipment or techniques) using or concerned with this radiation.an instrument capable of detecting the vibrations in outer space plasma....

Radiation 2014-11-06

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. what is the time taken for the radioactivity of an isotope to half its value called?
  2. what is a fixed or stationary condition called?
  3. what is the reduction in the density of something called?
  4. what is the distance between the crests of a wave in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave called?
  1. what is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves called?
  2. what is the name of the sound waves used for baby scans?
  3. what is a safety device made of a strip of wire that breaks an electric circuit if the current gets too high called?
  4. what piece of equipment is used to control heart fibrillation by application of an electric current to the chest?
  5. what is a positively charged particle consisting of two protons and two neutrons, emitted in radioactive decay called?
  6. what is the rate per second of a vibration constituting a wave called?

10 Clues: what is a fixed or stationary condition called?what is the name of the sound waves used for baby scans?what is the reduction in the density of something called?what is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves called?what is the rate per second of a vibration constituting a wave called?...